OLTL Best Lines Thursday 8/23/07

One Life to Live Best Lines Thursday 8/23/07


Provided By Michelle

Dorian: Nora, I'm warning you, I'm a friend of Lindsay's and if you try to exact revenge by ruining tonight for her, you're going to have me to answer to.

Nora: Oh, for god's sake, Dorian -- cut the benevolent friend crap. Everybody knows you wanted this award for yourself. Besides, I -- you don't have to worry about any revenge. I'd just as soon shave my head than make a fool out of myself the way Lindsay did when I won.

Dorian: I'll keep a razor handy.

Lindsay: I still can't believe that John could think you could have anything to do with Spencer's murder. I mean, it's beyond me.

Michael: Well, you know my brother, you know? He likes to turn over every stone.

Lindsay: Yeah, but you're family and that changes everything.

Michael: I'd like to think so.

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