OLTL Best Lines Wednesday 4/11/07

One Life to Live Best Lines Wednesday 4/11/07


Provided By Michelle

R.J.: So my granddaughter is going to be part of the Buchanan clan now?

Dorian: Ooh, is that so terrible?

R.J.: How many times have they slandered you in one of their papers or helped put you behind bars?

Dorian: Oh, wait, wait, wait. Things have completely turned around between me and the Buchanans.

R.J.: They have you on meds? [R.J. laughs]

Dorian: Don’t do that. No, people can change and grow, even the Buchanans.

R.J.: Yeah. Yeah. Sure, they can. I mean, Jessica’s got, what -- two people in her now? She’s just like her mother, right down to the bar-hopping hoochie alter.

Dorian: Uh, Jessica is in there now, and they told me that she is completely integrated.

R.J.: Uh-huh. Now I get it.

Dorian: Get what?

R.J.: You. Whenever you are this serene and forgiving, there’s either a new man in your life or you've got something on Viki Davidson. And this time, my friend, it’s both.

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