OLTL Best Lines Monday 12/5/05

One Life to Live Best Lines Monday 12/5/05

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Provided By Michelle

Carlo: Go ahead, dear. Choose. Decide which one of your suitors goes to their great reward. The choice is yours -- Cristian Vega or John Mc Bain. Pick. I'm afraid silence is not an option, lovely. Shall we join the gentlemen, get a closer look?

Jessica: Please, please, forget that I said that. I was -- I was having a dream and I -- I just said his name. But you have to know you are the only man in the whole world that I want to be with. You know that, don't you?

R.J.: My granddaughter is Antonio's daughter, and I've only recently found out that his new girlfriend, this -- this barely legal dimwit, has been the one actually taking care of my grandchild 24/7 for, like, the last two weeks, which I am not crazy about. Are you following me here?

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