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Guiding Light Links Page

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Official Sites

Please note: Anyone can put up a web site, or a blog, or Twitter account or Facebook page and claim to be a celebrity. We try to only put sites we are fairly sure are that person, but we don't claim to be perfect! So just please be aware of that when visiting these pages...

Official GL Twitter
Find out the latest from the show on Twitter!
Jerry VerDorn (Ross) & Liz Keifer (Blake)'s annual Charity Event.

Official Twitter feed for the actor who played Rafe.

Jeff Branson
Official Twitter feed for the actor who played Shayne.
Official site for the actress who played Marah

Orlaugh Cassidy on Twitter
Official Twitter site for the actress who played Doris.

The Official Beth Chamberlin
Her personal site all about beauty, health, and fitness. Also, follow her on Twitter. Also: Beth
Official fan site all about Beth.

Crystal Chappell's Official Website
The official site for Crystal Chappell (Olivia).  Here you can register to become part of her fan club or communicate with other fans via the chat room and message board. Also, here's her official Twitter Page and the Venice Site (online series she created that stars in.

Jordan Clarke
Official Site for the actor who played Billy Lewis.

The Official Site of Tyra Colar
For the actress who played Leah Bauer.
Official site of the actor who once played Prince Richard and then D.A. Jeffrey O'Neill.  Follow him on Twitter

Joan Collins Official Website
Official site of the woman who once portrayed Alexandra Spaulding. Read notes from her, or see some of the many other highlights of this site.

Official Twitter feed for the actress who played Daisy.

Frank Dicopoulos on Twitter
Follow the actor who played Frank!

Official Fan Facebook Page for the actor who played Coop. Follow him on Twitter, but the page hasn't been updated in a long time.

Marj Dusay's Personal Site
Official Page for the actress who portrays the dynamic Alexandra Spaulding.
Official site for the actress who played Pilar. Also, follow her on Twitter and Facebook!

Giving up time; travel for the rain
Poetry, thoughts, & musings of Brian Gaskill (ex-Dylan)
Also, check out his Facebook & Twitter pages!

Stephanie Gatschet's Official Website
Official web site of Stephanie Gatschet (Tammy). Stephanie posts exclusive interviews, pictures and extras on her web site every month for her fans. Visit her galleries and message boards for everything Stephanie!! Also, follow her on Twitter!
For the actor who played Gus. Enjoy fan club information, photos, a calendar and even a store! Also, follow him on Twitter!

Official Twitter feed for the actor who played Hart.

Doug Hutchinson Official Site
Site of the actor who portrayed the evil Sebastian Hulce.

Vincent Irizarry Official Site
For the actor who played Lujack.

Melina Kanakaredes
Twitter feed for the actress who played Eleni.

Twitter feed for the actor who played Joey.

Yvonna Kopacz-Wright
Official Twitter feed for the actress who played Mel.

Julie Lancaster
Official site for the actress who played a hospital comptroller.

Jessica Leccia
Follow the actress who played Natalia on Twitter

Bethany Joy Lenz
Twitter feed for the actress who played Michelle; also check out her site

Twitter feed for one of the actresses who played Marah. (not updated lately)

Wendy Moniz
Twitter feed for the actress who played Dinah.

Karla Mosley
Official site for the actress who played Christina.

Official site for the actor who played Josh. Also, follow him on Twitter!

Michael O'Leary
Twitter feed for the actor who played Rick.

Twitter feed for the amazing actor who played Jonathan. Also, check him out on Facebook and on Instagram!

Official site for the actress and singer who played Clarissa.

Ron Raines Online and Twitter Page
Official sites for the actor and singer who played Alan.

Monti Sharp
Follow Monti Sharp (David Grant) on Twitter and Facebook.

Paul Anthony Stewart's Official Site For the actor who played Danny. Also, Follow him on Twitter

Changing Shoes
Tina Sloan (Lillian)'s site for her one-woman show. Also, Follow her on Twitter!

Official site for the actress who played Ava. Follow her on Twitter.

Emme Rylan
Twitter feed for the actress who played Lizzie; also Follow her on E and on

Krista Tesreau's Official Site
Find out more about the actress who played Mindy Lewis.

Gina Tognoni (Dinah) on Twitter
Also, check out her shoe site

Caitlin Van Zandt
Official site for the actress who played Ashlee. (not updated lately)

The Official Jerry verDorn Fan Club
Official site and fan club for the actor who played Ross.

Jordi Vilasuso
Follow the actor who played Tony Santos on Twitter.

Officially Laura Wright
Site for the actress who played Cassie.

Kim Zimmer
Twitter feed for the actress who played Reva Shayne Lewis.

General GL Pages

Addi's Guiding Light Page
A website that not only has a picture gallery, but character bios for both active and inactive Springfield residents.

As The World Turns and Guiding Light Fan Page
Very small fan site for the shows.

Buddy TV Guiding Light Site
Articles, news, and a lot more!

Guiding Light Bugs Club @ Yahoo Groups
A club devoted to Guiding Light, our favorite daytime soap.

Guiding Light Online Community
Old fan site about the show

Guiding Light Monthly
Fan Fiction, continuing where the show left off...

Guiding Light's Official Channel
Actors' Interviews, Behind the Scenes Videos on YouTube.

Guiding Light: Sentieri Online
The Guiding Light shines all the way to Italy, where this ardent fan lives. The English version of the site gives its American counterparts a run for their money with detailed show and cast info and plenty of photos.

Guiding Light at TV Buzz
Active discussion forum also featuring extensive spoilers and casting information.
Site with cast and episode information, photos and more

The Light Within
Nice forum with info, spoilers, updates, games and more.

Lucien Black's Guiding Light Fan Fiction
Fan fiction for the show

Marvel Comics
See the comic book they made for Harley

MJayne's GL Page
Download some wallpaper, look at some photos or listen to some great clips of Guiding Light.

(The Original) Guiding Light Central
With over 1200 members, we always have a lively discussion going. Also, we have the most comprehensive spoilers on the net!

Soap Opera Digest
Their Guiding Light section - tons of photos, interviews and more!

Small page that's been around for a long while about the soap.
GL recaps, news and tons more.

Topix Guiding Light Forum
Small forum for posting
Summaries, information, and more.

TV Guide Online
Great site with news, photos, and a lot more.

The online encyclopedia's page for GL.

Yahoo Guiding Light Groups
All of the Yahoo groups pages for the show

Fan Pages for Characters

The Unofficial Buzz and Jenna Fan Page
Great site! It has audio clips, a clip of the week, scene transcripts & more...

Always Reva...Always Bud
This site is dedicated to a favorite couple on daytime, Josh and Reva. It contains photos, dialogue, sound clips, songs, and info about the super couple and their family.

LAM Land
This website is dedicated to the love between Lucy Cooper and Alan-Michael Spaulding.

Big Purple Dreams
Great message board for Otalia fans.

YouTube - Otaliafan's Channel
YouTube page with tons of Otalia clips.

The Olivia & Natalia Fanlisting
Show your love for the duo! Photos, wallpapers and more.

Quint & Nola Fan Page
Historical site of GL's couple Quint and Nola Chamberlain from 81-85. This site is extremely comprehensive and loaded with hard to find vintage material.

The Rick and Abby Home Page
This self-proclaimed world's biggest "Rabby" fan presents a shrine for the couple at this site. All Guiding Light fans will appreciate character histories, scads of photos, previews, rumors, and actor bios.

Fan Pages for Actors

Murray Bartlett Fan Board
Message board for the actor who played Cyrus; you must register to see it.

The Unofficial Charissa Chamorro Website
Come read a biography, post in a message board or share your Charissa encounter with other fans. Charissa played Tory Granger on Guiding Light.

Brad's Circle of Friends:
EZ Board for fans of Bradley Cole, the musician who has portrayed both Richard Winslow and Jeffery O'Neill on GL. Marj Dusay Facebook fan page
Facebook group about the actress who played Alex

The Importance of Being Jake
Forum for fans of Ricky Paull Goldin.

Vincent Irizarry Facebook Fan page
Facebook group for the actor who played Lujack.

Melina Kanakaredes Fans (ex- Eleni Andros Cooper) Livejournal Community.

Jessica Leccia Fanpage on Facebook
Dedicated to the wonderful actress who played Natalia.

Jessica Leccia Fanlisting & Photo Site
Very nice page for the actress.

Dennis Parlato Theatre Credits
Site about the actor who played Roger.

Marcy Rylan Forum (Lizzie)
Message board with screencaps, videoclips and more.

Group dedicated to Laura Wright and fans of her!

Links to Other TV Sites

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Page updated 6/12/15

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We need more proofreaders, transcribers, interviewers, episode guide recap writers, article writers, MS FrontPage and/or Web Expression users, graphics designers, and more, so please email us if you can help out!  More volunteers always needed!  Thanks!

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