Guiding Light Cast List From The TV MegaSite

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Guiding Light Cast Page

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The list is organized alphabetically by the character's last name.

Natalia Rivera Aitoro Jessica Leccia
Ed Bauer* Peter Simon
Leah Bauer* Tyra Colar
Dr. Rick Bauer Michael O'Leary
Christina Moore Boudreau Karla Mosley
Clayton Boudreau* Peter Francis James
Dr. Felicia Boudreau* Kim Brockington
Dr. Mel Boudreau* Yvonna Wright
Remy Boudreau Lawrence Saint-Victor
Henry Calametti* Chad & Ian Chlebowski
Vanessa Chamberlain* Maeve Kinkead
Buzz Cooper Justin Deas
Frank Cooper Frank Dicopoulos
Cyrus Foley Murray Bartlett
Grady Foley Kane Manera
Daisy Lemay Bonnie Dennison
Bill Lewis Daniel Cosgrove
Billy Lewis Jordan Clarke
Joshua Lewis Robert Newman
Shayne Lewis Jeff Branson
A.C. Mallet (aka Anthony Camaletti) Robert Bogue
Marina Cooper Mallet Mandy Bruno
Blake Thorpe Marler* Elizabeth Keifer
Clarissa Marler* Naelee Rae
Jeffrey O'Neill Bradley Cole
Reva Shayne O'Neill Kim Zimmer
Lillian Raines* Tina Sloan
Jonathan Randall* Tom Pelphrey
Matt Reardon* Kurt McKinney
Maureen Reardon* Olivia Dicopoulos
Rafe Rivera* E.J. Bonilla
Danny Santos* Paul Anthony Stewart
Michelle Bauer Santos* Nancy St. Alban
Father Ray Santos* George Alvarez
Alan Spaulding Ron Raines
Alexandra Spaulding* Marj Dusay
Beth Raines Spaulding* Beth Chamberlin
Emma Spaulding* Jacqueline Tsirkin
James Spaulding Zack Conroy
Lizzie Spaulding Marcy Rylan
Phillip Spaulding Grant Aleksander
Olivia Spencer Crystal Chappell
Edmund Winslow David Andrew Macdonald
Ashlee Wolfe Caitlin Van Zandt
Doris Wolfe* Orlagh Cassidy

*Recurring or temporary

Thanks to Eva and Johnhenry for help in updating this!

Most of this Info from Internet Movie Database

All Our Cast Lists

Page updated 8/13/21

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