Guiding Light Birthdays List From The TV MegaSite

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Guiding Light Cast Birthdays List Page

Celebrate GL Cast Birthdays

Mary Kay Adams (ex-India von Halkein)  9/12/62
Timothy Adams (ex-Rob Layne) 8/4/67
Anthony Addabbo (ex-Jim Lemay)  9/14/60
Nancy Addison (ex-Kit Vested) 3/21/48
Grant Aleksander (Phillip Spaulding) 8/6/59
Heather Allyn (ex-Hannah Gray) 12/17/71
George Alvarez (Father Ray Santos) 1/25/66
Russ Anderson (ex-Christopher Langham) 10/27
Terrell Anthony (ex-Rusty Shayne) 3/24/59
Nicholas Art (ex-Zach Spaulding) 1/13/99
Kevin Bacon (ex-Tim Werner) 7/8/58
Scott Bailey (ex-Sandy Foster) 12/16/78
Patricia Barry (ex-Sally Gleason) 11/16/30
Murray Barltett (Cyrus Foley) 3/20/68
Steve Bassett (ex-Detective Scott) 6/25/55
Charita Bauer (ex-Bert Bauer) 12/20/20 - died 2/28/85
Gregory Beecroft (ex-Anthony Reardon) 5/9/52
Ed Begley (ex-Rev. Paul Keeler) 3/25/01
Ralph Bell (ex-Brandon Spauling) 11/27/15
Paulo Benedeti (ex-Jesse Blue) 8/3/75
Shirl Bernheim (ex-Mrs. Pappas) 9/21/21
Barbara Berjer (ex-Barbara Norris) 6/12/20
Christopher Bernau (ex-Alan Spaulding) 6/2/40
Zina Bethune (ex-Robin Lang) 2/17/45
Richard Biggs (ex-Clayton Boudreau) 3/18/60
Clarice Blackburn (ex-Edith Spurrier) 2/26/21
Tammy Blanchard (ex-Drew Jacobs) 12/14/76
Judith Blazer (ex-Marissa Spencer) 9/22/56
Hunt Block (ex-Ben Warren) 2/16/53
John Bolger (ex-Phillip Spaulding) 2/26/54
Stephen Bolster (ex-Ken Norris) 4/7/33
Matthew Bomer (ex-Ben Reade) 10/11/77
Sudie Bond (ex-Viola Stapleton) 7/13/28
E.J. Bonilla (Rafe Rivera) 9/8/88
Roscoe Born (ex-Peter Vreeland) 9/24/50
John Boruff (ex-Henry Benedict) 12/31/10Michael Burg (ex-Webster) 12/28/68
Philip Bosco (ex-Clarence Baily) 9/26/30
Fran Brill (ex-Beverly) 9/30/46
Jeff Branson (Shayne Lewis) 3/10/77
Joseph Breen (ex-Will Jefferies) 7/5/58
Kim Brockington (Dr. Felicia Boudreau) 2/14
Sorrell Brooke (ex-District Attorney, Ira Newton) 1/4/30
Kimberly J. Brown (ex-Marah Lewis) 11/16/84
Lisa Brown (ex-Nola Reardon) 8/2/54
Ryan Brown (ex-Bill Lewis) 1/2/75
Mandy Bruno (Bogue) (Marina Cooper Mallet)  9/20/82
Ed Bryce (ex-Bill Bauer) 9/24/21
Rebecca Budig (ex-Michelle Bauer) 6/26/73
Bill Buell (ex-Judge Walker) 9/21/52
Bryan Buffington (ex-Bill Lewis) 4/1/80
Bill Bumiller (ex-Sean McCullough) 3/25/56
Laura Bell Bundy (ex-Marah Lewis) 4/10/81
Gregory Burke (ex-Ben Reade) 9/8/81
Warren Burton (ex-Warren Andrews) 10/23/44
Jean Carol (ex-Nadine Cooper) 4/13
Orlagh Cassidy (Doris Wolfe) 8/17/67
Beth Chamberlin (Beth Raines ) 10/1/63
Charissa Cree Chamorro (ex-Tory Granger) 4/26
Crystal Chappell (Olivia Spencer) 8/4/65
Thom Christopher (ex-Colonel Dax) 10/5/40
Jordan Clarke (Billy Lewis)- 7/21/50
Bradley Cole (Jeffrey O'Neill)  2/11/59
Signy Coleman (ex-Annie Dutton) 7/4/60
Daniel Cosgrove (Bill Lewis) 12/16/70
Ritchie Coster (ex-'Nate'/Alfred Randall) 7/1
Suzy Cote (ex-Samantha Marler) 9/17/68
Patti D'Arbanville (ex-Selena Davis) 5/25/51
Jim Davidson (ex-Alonzo Baptiste) 1/18/63
Justin Deas (Buzz Cooper)  3/30/48
Michael Dempsey (ex-Alan-Michael) 6/21/67
Bonnie Dennison (Daisy Lemay) 2/15/89
Mark Derwin (ex-A.C. Mallet) 10/28/60
Frank Dicopoulus (Frank Cooper) 1/3/57
Michael Dietz (ex-Alan-Michael Spaulding) 2/10/71
Taye Diggs (ex-Sugar Hill) 1/2/72
Aubrey Dollar (ex-Marina Cooper) 9/23/80
John Driscoll (ex-Henry Cooper Bradshaw)  6/27/81
Marj Dusay (Alexandra Spaulding)  2/20/36
Amy Ecklund (ex-Abigail Blume) 6/25/70
Beth Ehlers (ex-Harley Cooper) 7/23/68
Jane Elliott (ex-Carrie Todd) 1/17/47
Morgan Englund (ex-Dylan Lewis) 8/25/64
Carl Evans (ex-Alan-Michael Spaulding) 1/5/68
Geoffrey C. Ewing (ex-Griffon Williams) 8/10/51
Jacqueline Felchier (ex-Meg Reade) 9/7/95
Seamus Davey Fitzpatrick (ex-Will Winslow) 12/29/98
David Fontento (ex-Charles Grant) 11/4
Nicole Forester (ex-Cassie Layne Winslow) 11/19/72
Paula Garcés (ex-Pilar Santos) 3/20/74
Maureen Garrett (ex-Holly Norris Reade) 8/18/48
Brian Gaskill (ex-Dylan Lewis) 1/22/70
Stephanie Gatschet (ex-Tammy Winslow Randall)  3/16/83
Larry Gates (ex-HB Lewis) 9/24/15 - died 12/12/96
Theo Geotz (ex-Frederick 'Papa' Bauer) 12/14/1894
Ricky Paull Goldin (ex-Gus Aitoro)  1/5/68
Frank Grillo (ex-Hart Jessup) 6/8/63
Ava Haddad (ex-Anita Blackwell) 3/26/65
Jay Hammer (ex-Fletcher Reade) 11/16/45
Melissa Hayden (ex-Bridget Reardon) 11/13/69
Rick Hearst (ex-Alan-Michael Spaulding) 1/4/65
Peter Hermann (ex-Michael Burke) 8/15/72
Gavin Houston (ex-Remy Boudreau) 12/10/81
Crystal Hunt (ex-Lizzie Spaulding)  2/5/85
Doug Hutchison (ex-Sebastian Hulce) 5/26/60
Fiona Hutchison (ex-Jenna Bradshaw) 5/17/60
Vincent Irizarry (ex-Lujack, ex-Nick McHenry) 11/12/59
Melina Kanakaredes (ex-Eleni Andros) 4/23/67
Billy Kay (ex-Shayne Lewis) 4/10/84
Ty Keegan (ex-Jude Bauer) 8/6/2001
Elizabeth Keifer (Blake Thorpe Marler) 11/14/61
Maeve Kinkead (Vanessa Chamberlain) 5/31/46
Justin Klosky (ex-Joey Lupo) 5/14/80
Yvonna Kopacz Wright (Dr. Mel Boudreau) 1/8/72
Joe Lando (ex-Macauley) - 12/9/61
Sharon Leal (ex-Dahlia Cread) 10/17/72
Jessica Leccia (Natalia Rivera Aitoro) 1/8/76
Joie Lenz (ex-Michelle Bauer) 4/2/81
Nia Long (ex-Kat Speakes) 10/30/70
David Andrew Macdonald (Edmund Winslow) 6/1/61
Oliver Macready (ex-Romeo Jones) 3/17/72
Kevin Mambo (ex-Marcus Williams) 6/29/72
Kane Manera (Grady Foley) 9/20
Amelia Marshall (ex-Gilly Grant) 4/2/58
Sasha Martin (ex-Marina Cooper) 11/27
Stephen Martines (ex-Tony Santos) 7/23/75
Lindsey McKeon (ex-Marah Lewis)  3/11/82
Kurt McKinney (Matt Reardon) 2/15/62
Wendy Moniz (ex-Dinah Marler) 1/19/69
Robert Newman (Josh Lewis) 6/27/58
Michael O' Leary (Dr. Rick Bauer)  3/27/58
Petronia Paley (ex-Vivian Grant) 5/31
Hayden Panettiere (ex-Lizzie Spaulding) 8/21/89
Ellen Parker (ex-Maureen Bauer) 9/30/49
Tom Pelphrey (ex-Jonathan Randall) 7/28/82
Mark Pinter (ex-Brad Green, ex-Mark Evans) 3/7/50
Victoria Platt (ex-Vicky Spaulding) 11/21/72
Susan Pratt (ex-Claire Ramsey) 4/29/49
Naelee Rae (Clarissa Marler) 10/28/96
Ron Raines (Alan Spaulding) 12/2/49
Arielle Renwart (Leah Bauer) 12/5
William Roerick (ex-Henry Chamberlain) 12/17/11 - died 11/30/95
Wesley Ramsey (ex-Sam Spencer) 10/6/77
Gil Rogers (ex-Hawk Shayne) 2/4/34
Jennifer Roszell (ex-Eleni Andros) 3/7/66
Marcy Rylan (Lizzie Spaulding) 11/4/80
Michael Sabatino (ex-Vince Russo) 6/25/55
Lawrence Saint-Victor (Remy Boudreau) 6/14
Saundra Santiago (ex-Carmen Santos) 4/13/57
Sonia Satra (ex-Lucy Cooper) 12/17/71
Jocelyn Seagrave (ex-Julie Camaletti) 9/9/68
Amanda Serkasevich (ex-Darcie Matthews) 12/6
Peter Simon (ex-Ed Bauer) 9/27/43
Tina Sloan (Lillian Raines) 2/1/43
Michelle Ray Smith (ex-Ava Peralta) 9/24/74
Brittany Snow (ex-Susan Lemay) 3/9/86
Nancy St. Alban (ex-Michelle Bauer Santos) 1/2/70
Garett Stevens (ex-Shayne Lewis) 12/30
Paul Anthony Stewart (ex-Danny Santos)  2/23/70
Mary Stuart (ex-Meta Bauer) 7/4/26 - died  2/28/02
Krista Tesreau (ex-Mindy Lewis) 1/10/64
Terrell Tilford (ex-David Grant) 7/22/69
Gina Tognoni (Dinah Marler) 11/28/73
Michael Tylo (ex-Quint Chamberlain) 10/16/48
Caitlin Van Zandt (Ashlee Wolfe) 7/13/85
Jerry verDorn (ex-Ross Marler) 11/23/49
Jordi Vilasuso (ex-Tony Santos) 6/15/81
Paul Wasilewski (ex-Max Nickerson) 7/23/82
Cynthia Watros (ex-Annie Dutton) 9/2/68
Marty West (ex-Shayne Lewis) 10/27/78
Billy Dee Williams (ex-Jim Frazier) 4/6/38
Darnell Williams (ex-Marshall Griggs) 3/3/55
Montel Williams (Clayton Boudreau) 7/3/56
Vince Williams (ex-Hampton Speakes) 7/11/57
Laura Wright (ex-Cassie Layne Winslow)  9/11/70
Michael Zazlow (ex-Roger Thorpe) 11/1/42 - died 12/6/98
Ian Ziering (ex-Cameron Stewart) 4/30/64
Kim Zimmer (Reva Shayne O'Neill)  2/5/55

Provided by Elizabeth, with help from Johnhenry

Most of this Info from Internet Movie Database

Other Birthday Lists: All My Children, Another World, As the World Turns, Bold & Beautiful, The City/Loving, Days of Our Lives, General Hospital, GH: Night Shift, One Life to Live, Passions, Port Charles, Sunset Beach, Young & the Restless, 24, 30 Rock, Alias, Almost Human, American Gothic, Angel, Arrow, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Beauty & The Beast, Being Human, Big Bang Theory, Blackadder, Bones, Boston Legal, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Castle, Charmed, Covert Affairs, CSI, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Dawson's Creek, Drew Carey Show, Earth 2, Eerie Indiana, Fawlty Towers, Ghost Whisperer, Gotham, Grey's Anatomy, Grosse Pointe, Haven, Herman's Head, Heroes, Hi Honey I'm Home, Hollywood Heights, Howard Stern Show, House, Jericho, Larry Sanders Show, Law & Order, Lois and Clark, Lost, Mad About You, Mork & Mindy, The O.C., Pacific Palisades, Police Squad!, Red Dwarf, Remington Steele, Savannah, Sledgehammer, Smallville, Space: 1999, Star Trek, True Blood, TV Nation and Vampire Diaries.

Page updated 5/22/15

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