Guiding Light Animations From The TV MegaSite

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Guiding Light Animations Page

Animated GL Gifs for your fun!

Please feel free to use these on your message boards, websites, etc. Put a link back to us if you can!  First, click on the thumbnail below to see the animated GIF, then right-click on the photo and save it to your hard drive, then upload it to your own site or some place like Photobucket.  DO NOT LINK DIRECTLY TO OUR IMAGE ON OUR SITE!!  Thanks!

By Dora


Dinah animation

By Boo

Guiding Light animated picture

By Suzanne

Animated Reva & Josh
Gus and Harley animated pic #1 Gus and Harley animated pic #2

This one below was found on, not sure who made it

Animated GL pic

Check out our other animations: All My Children, As The World Turns, Bold & The Beautiful, Days of Our Lives, General Hospital, GH: Night Shift, One Life to Live, Passions, Young and the Restless.

Page updated 5/20/15

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We need more proofreaders, transcribers, interviewers, episode guide recap writers, article writers, MS FrontPage and/or Web Expression users, graphics designers, and more, so please email us if you can help out!  More volunteers always needed!  Thanks!

Days of Our LivesGeneral HospitalYoung & RestlessBold & Beautiful
All My ChildrenOne Life to LivePort CharlesThe City/Loving
As The World TurnsGuiding LightPassionsSunset BeachMain Daytime

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