General Hospital: Night Shift Transcript Tuesday 9/2/08
"Listen to My Heart"
Written by Sri Rao & Karen Harris
Previously, on "Night Shift" ...
Saira: Hey.
Leo: Hi. You guys know each other?
Jagger: She's been treating my son's Autism. Are you two going out together?
Leo: No. Dr. Batra and I don't see eye to eye when it comes to medicine.
Claire: I wish I was in love.
Kyle: Me too.
Robin: You have stage 4 colon cancer.
Robert: Probe me, cut me, poke me. But let's just get it over with, huh?
Robin: This isn't a game.
Robert: Darling, life's always been a game to me. A dangerous one, but a game. And lady luck's always been on my side.
Robin: We have to perform surgery to remove part of your colon.
Mac: Well. I thought you'd have made a run for it by now.
Robert: Been waiting for you, mate.
Mac: Oh, yeah? [Sniffs] So. How are you feeling?
Robert: Ooh, a lot better at the prospect of a nice, frosty pint.
Mac: Ha ha! Sorry, mate, but, uh, a man about to have major surgery only gets to watch and weep, brother. And, you know, I question the use of the word "dying" under current circumstances.
Robert: Did you just casually drop by to bust my balls? I mean, I would have thought this would be a great time for a, you know, "Hey, bro! [Sniffs] I'm gonna miss you. [Sniffs] Yeah."
Mac: Oh, come on. You know, I miss you all the time, you wanker. But you know, I'm trying not to be pissed off that the first time you come by for more than 5 minutes, it's to put us through this hell.
Patrick: Hey.
Robin: Hold on.
Patrick: I paged you.
[Robin sighs]
Robin: Now I have to start all over. Can you believe this? There are 8 kinds of forceps and no abdominal retractor. I mean, really. How do they expect to open up my father's colon if there's no abdominal retractors?
Patrick: Robin. It'll be here. I promise. Come on.
P.A. Announcer: Dr. Biggard, Pediatrics, please. Dr. Biggard.
Patrick: I know you're worried, but people get paid to make sure the O.R. has abdominal retractors and vessel clamps and, please, don't lash out at me.
Robin: His surgery is in less than 2 hours.
Patrick: We'll be ready. And his prognosis is good.
Robin: His prognosis is unknown and I'm useless.
Patrick: And you're still not scrubbing in.
[Robin sighs]
Robin: Can you do me a favor?
Patrick: Of course, I'll do it.
Robin: Do what?
Patrick: I will observe and if Geller screws up, I'll take her out at the knees.
Robin: Thank you.
Jagger: Uh, excuse me. Am I interrupting?
Robin: No. What are you doing here?
Jagger: Uh, I have to go to a meeting.
Robin: For Stone?
Jagger: Uh, no. For me. Um, I wanted to see your dad before the surgery. Is he around?
Robin: Yeah, he's just--he's resting.
Jagger: Well, then, could you give this to him for me.
Robin: Ok. What is it?
Jagger: Just something I wanted to lend him during the surgery. It's for protection.
Robin: It's beautiful.
Jagger: It's called mano poderosa. It means "powerful hand." It's the only thing that I have of my mother's.
Robin: Thank you.
Jagger: You're welcome. He's gonna be ok.
Groomsman: You need one of my hangover remedies. Anyone got a blender around here?
Larry: I'm not drinking raw eggs.
Groomsman: Grace is flippin' out.
Epiphany: Excuse me.
Larry: She's gonna kill me.
[All talking at once]
Epiphany: [Shouting] Hey! This is a hospital, not a frat house. What can I do for you?
Larry: Nothing. Everything is fine.
Groomsman: Dude, don't make me knock you out. He fainted.
Larry's Brother: The problem is, my brother's supposed to get married.
Larry: No, like, right now. 300 people on a boat in the harbor, and one of them is my bride. So, can we get out of here, please?
Leo: What's going on?
Groomsman: He's fainted 3 times since last night.
Larry's Brother: Since a certain lap dance. You know what I mean?
Kyle: You know, not really.
Groomsman: He just has cold feet.
Larry: Look, it took Grace 2 years to say "Yes." I can't bail on her now.
Leo: You know where you are?
Larry: In a hospital emergency room.
Leo: What day is it?
Larry: My wedding day.
Groomsman: He's hungover. That's all.
Leo: Ok. Follow my finger.
Groomsman: You can't admit that marriage scares the hell out of you, so, you pass out.
Groomsman: Dude, you're a waiter, not a shrink.
Larry: Ok, will you guys shut the--I'm getting married today, whether you clowns are coming with me or not. All right?
[Larry takes a nosedive to the floor as he faints]
Groomsman: Hey! Whoa! Whoa!
Leo: Watch out.
Larry: Oh, crap. Not again.
Epiphany: You're all right, honey. We're gonna take care of you.
Leo: Let's get him in to till. Epiphany, give him half an amp of atropene at the point where he drops below 50. You're in charge of wrangling these guys.
Ryan: Claire Simpson?
Claire: Yeah.
Ryan: Hey. It's--it's Ryan. McCormick?
Claire: Ryan! Hey, how are you?
Ryan: You have no idea who I am.
Claire: Of course, I do. You're Ryan. We went out... that one time.
Ryan: Yeah. Yeah, that's right. So, uh, how are you?
Claire: I'm good, good. How are you?
Ryan: Well, the same. Can't complain.
Claire: That's great. Look, I gotta get back to work, but it was really nice seeing you.
Ryan: You know, you could have called.
Claire: Excuse me?
Ryan: I waited for 6 months for my phone to ring.
Claire: Yeah, I--I got really busy, you know.
Ryan: I thought we had a connection.
Claire: You did?
Ryan: That night? The way we made love?
Claire: We did.
Ryan: You know, I, uh, I never told you this but... that was my first time.
Claire: For what?
Ryan: I gave you my virginity, Claire.
Claire: Nuh-uh.
Ryan: And then, you just threw me away like some piece of dirty trash.
Claire: Look, I am so sorry. I mean, you seem like a really, really nice guy, and I don't know why I didn't call you. I make really bad choices when it comes to men, and--
Ryan: Gotcha.
Claire: What?
[Ryan laughs]
Ryan: Claire Simpson, you haven't changed at all. It's Ryan McCormick. Went to high school together? Junior high? Elementary?
Claire: So, we didn't actually--
Ryan: Please. You didn't talk to me once in 12 years. Like I would give my manhood to you.
Claire: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Your manhood. No wonder I never noticed you.
Will: David's about to turn 13, and his typical friends have already been bar mitzvah'd.
Saira: For you newcomers, we use the term "typical" to refer to children without Autism. Go on, Will.
Will: It means so much to our family to see David bar mitzvah'd. I think they just sort of expect it. But it's a lot of pressure, for him to be up there in front of all those people. If it goes badly, it could be a complete meltdown.
Mother in support group: I know a rabbi that might be able to help. There's this website that I'm part of. Multidenominational? Get you the address.
Will: Thanks.
Saira: Hey, Maggie, you had something to share, right?
Maggie: Yeah, a red letter day at our house. Matt was, uh, potty trained at 2 1/2, diagnosed autistic at 4, and this week, we went back into diapers. It's why my husband isn't here. Peter has a hard time coping. You know, I've always been the more hands-on of the two of us, and I get it. I mean, I do. Peter has to go to work every day, but. It feels a lot like being a single parent. [Maggie sighs] Anyway, um, can I just say that, uh, changing the diaper of a 7-year-old compared to, say, when Matt was 7 months, not fun.
Robert: It was Ken's Great Barrier Reef, and I rescued you from the shark tank. Yeah.
Mac: [Scoffs] What? Are you kidding me? Robert, I saved your ass, you know? And then, I smacked my foot on the reef and broke my ankle.
Robert: No, no, no. I swam back to shore with your dead weight draped around my neck, being chased by that big ugly bronze whaler, and I never did get thanked for it.
Mac: Oh, well. Thank you, Robert. You see, without you, my foot wouldn't act up in bad weather.
Robert: Mm-hmm.
Mac: And without me, you'd have been shark bait.
Robert: You are such a vicious little bastard. You know, the -- they want to -- they want to cut open my gut. [Robert sighs] My heart is where I feel. My head, where I think. But my gut... that's my real compass. That's what keeps me alive.
Mac: Hey. Hey. Look at me. Listen to me. Nothing's gonna happen to you. All right? You're my big brother. You're invincible.
Robert: I don't feel that way much at the moment.
Mac: Uh-oh. Well, looks like they're here to take you away.
Robin: Hey. You cannot have beer in here.
Robert: I've been telling him that. He's trying to give me a bad name.
Robin: Dad. Yeah, right. Hi. How you feeling?
Robert: Oh, peachy.
Robin: Well, I'm here to make sure that you are clear on what's about to happen before you sign your surgical consent. First of all, Dr. Geller is Board certified in General Surgery. She'll remove the cancerous section and reattach the large intestine. She's done 100 of these. But Patrick is going to scrub in and observe anyway.
Robert: So, what's the downside?
Robin: They will have to biopsy the surrounding area to see if the cancer has spread. And, uh, after you recover, you will need chemo, possibly radiation. But you already know that.
Robert: The cure is worse than the cancer.
Robin: Then there is the possibility of a colostomy.
Robert: Is that as nasty as it sounds?
Robin: If the cancer has spread, Geller will have to remove a larger part of the intestine than we thought. They'll sort of rearrange your plumbing. They'll take the end of the colon and redirect it through the abdomen. She'll create a stoma, which is a new exit for the waste, and attach a removable bag to it.
Robert: And do wonders for my social life.
Robin: It can be reversed, Dad. After chemo and after a full recovery, there's a possibility that we could reattach your colon and put everything back in its original position.
Robert: Or I might get lucky and die on the table.
Robin: Dad.
Robert: Did you bring it?
Mac: Yeah.
Robin: What? I already have your medical power of attorney on file.
Robert: It's my will.
Robin: Dad, no. No. No, we're not having this conversation.
Robert: This is not about you. Now. If something happens, that -- [Robin sighs] You and your baby get everything.
Leo: Has this happened to you before? The fainting? Any family history?
Larry: No. Nothing.
Leo: Ok. Well, we can write it off to nerves. They could be psychosomatic. Drink lots of water. Stay hydrated, especially--
Grace: Where is he?
Groomsman: We can't --
Grace: I want to know where he is! Lorenzo Anthony Costa!
Larry: Oh, crap.
Groomsman: We tried to keep her out of here.
Larry: Grace! What are you doing here?
Grace: Larry, if this is your way of running out on me, I swear--
Larry: No, no, no. I tried to get hold of you, but these guys wouldn't let me.
Grace: You better be dying, 'cause tonight, there's either going to be a wedding or a funeral.
Larry: Sweetie, it's--it's a stress thing.
Grace: You want to know about stress? I've got 150 Italians and 150 Chinese relatives waiting for us on the boat. That is stress. Doctor, is he coming with me or are you keeping him here permanently?
Leo: He's free to go.
Grace: Well, let's do it then.
Larry: All right. I am right behind you, honey. Let's get this show on--
Leo: Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Robin: The only thing I want my daughter to have of yours are your memories. Stories of all your adventures.
Robert: Gotta be realistic.
Robin: Why start now?
Robert: Stuff happens.
Robin: Not to you. Not on my watch.
Robert: I want what you want. But just in case, I -- I want that little rugrat to know that Grandpa Robert was here.
Robin: I want my little girl to have what I didn't have all those years, and that would be you in her life.
[Door opens]
Hospital worker: Sorry, folks. I'm here to take you to pre-op.
Mac: Well, uh, I guess this is it.
Robert: About that thing we discussed before, that colostomy.
Robin: Only if the cancer's spread.
Robert: I don't want it. You can make the medical decision, and I don't want it.
Robin: Dad, it's not that simple.
Robert: Robin, I'm not going to be hooked up to that thing. That's not the way Robert Scorpio will be remembered.
Robin: It's not about that--
Robert: I don't want it. That's the end of it. Come here. Give your old man a kiss for luck. [Whispering] Sit down. I screwed up in my life, plenty. You're the one thing I got right.
Robin: I love you, Daddy.
Robert: I love you more.
Ryan: You know I had to wait for 3 hours.
Epiphany: Did it kill you? No. So, I would say that you're ahead of the game.
Ryan: What are you doing in here? Why are you wearing those?
Epiphany: You would think that after all that complaining, he'd be happy to see a doctor.
Ryan: What? Claire Simpson is a doctor?
Claire: So, I see you pulled a muscle. No doubt, while exercising your arrogance.
Ryan: When did you become a doctor?
Claire: Some time between med school and 5 minutes ago.
Epiphany: You two know each other?
Ryan: Oh, I knew her. She never gave me the time of day, though. Homecoming queens are like that.
Epiphany: Homecoming queen?
Claire: Can we get on with it?
[Epiphany snickers]
Epiphany: I am so not surprised. Mm-hmm. Patient is complaining of pain in the groin and buttocks, with a burning down the leg.
Claire: Sciatica. Could be [Indistinct]. Ok, take off your pants.
Ryan: Me?
Claire: I would never dare ask Nurse Johnson to remove her pants, so, yes, that leaves you. How'd you pull the muscle?
Ryan: Uh, doing the pigeon.
Epiphany: Is that like the Macarena?
Ryan: It's a yoga position. It's been hurting ever since class.
Claire: And how long?
Ryan: What? In inches? Ow!
Claire: How long since you hurt yourself?
Ryan: Tuesday morning. I was getting this really great stretch, and I felt something pop.
Claire: Well, put you on anti-inflammatories for a few days and see if that helps.
Ryan: Yeah, I've been taking ibuprofen and Vitamin B-12 and ice packs and seen my chiropractor. Coming here's a last resort, so-- [zips pants] How about a real diagnosis?
Claire: Finish getting his vitals. I'll order a cat scan.
Ryan: Make it an MRI, and you've got a deal.
Claire: A CAT scan is effective and more cost-efficient. And it's not your call.
Ryan: Hey, you're not the one getting zapped with radiation. I take this hospital isn't green?
Claire: More like pale sea foam.
Ryan: Have you gotten rid of mercury products?
Claire: Lord, give me strength.
Ryan: Well, I have a right to know what goes into my body.
Claire: This from a guy who spent Friday nights stoned out of his mind at the Gas n' Soap.
Ryan: Ohh, so, you do remember me.
Claire: Fine. I'll order an MRI. Maybe we can unload him on an orthopod and move on. And no, we don't use mercury products.
Ryan: See? I knew you cared.
Mother in support group: So, there we are with a dozen 6-year-old girls in party dresses, and then it happened. Becca walks into the backyard, totally buck naked. [All giggle] Ohh! She was complaining about the dress. You know, about it being itchy? So, uh, then, all the girls take their dresses off. And before you know it, I got a dozen naked princesses eating birthday cake.
Maggie: Ohh!
[All laugh]
Saira: It's amazing how quickly you learn to roll with the punches. You know what? It's so great that you let the kids enjoy themselves. I mean, sometimes, we forget that kids with Autism are still just--just kids. Does anyone else have something they want to share? Anyone?
Will: Did I tell you that I took David to a baseball game last week? He actually enjoyed it.
[Machines beeping]
[Robin sighs]
Mac: Hey, listen. Just think of all the times your dad's fooled us. Hmm? When we thought he was dead, or should have been. Hmm? And then he'd show up, all cocky and full of himself.
Robin: Hmm.
Mac: Come on. Your dad is the luckiest guy in the world.
Robin: Yeah. Let's just hope that his luck holds.
Mac: Hey, what's going on?
Patrick: His vitals are stable. He's handling anesthesia fine. But his cancer is more wide spread than we thought. We had to remove a significant portion of his large intestine.
Robin: How bad is it?
Patrick: He's gonna need a colostomy.
Mac: Can't you just cut out the tumor?
Patrick: It won't get rid of the cancer. We have to remove the large portion and then the colostomy.
Mac: Otherwise?
Robin: We leave him with the cancer, sew him up and send him home.
Mac: Robin, he said he didn't want it.
Patrick: Happy to be alive. It's inconvenient, but people live with colostomies all the time.
[Robin sighs]
Mac: Look, I hear ya, Doc, but this is Robert, all right? He's a lot of things. Flexible isn't one of them.
Patrick: It's Robin's decision. I'll support you, whatever you decide.
Robin: If I say do it, he might never forgive me.
Patrick: Robin, they're waiting.
[Robin sighs]
Leo: You have a condition called long Q.T. Syndrome.
Larry: I never heard of it.
Leo: It's a disorder that causes your heart to beat irregularly. The rhythm of your heartbeat is sometimes rapid, erratic.
Kyle: It's sort of like a heart murmur, except more serious.
Larry: How serious?
Leo: Well, stress or high levels of excitement can cause you to faint and if your levels are too high, it can kill you.
Grace: Oh, my God. How did he get it?
Leo: It could be genetics. Other times, it could be triggered by certain drugs. But what's important now is treatment.
Grace: I'll call my parents. They'll send everyone home.
Larry: No, Grace. We're not calling this thing off.
Grace: I don't care about the stupid wedding.
Larry: Now you tell me?
[Grace laughs]
Grace: Shut up.
Saira: Well, that's all the time we have for today. Thank you, everyone, so much for coming, sharing your stories. It's just--it's such an important part of the process.
Maggie: Dr. Batra? If you don't mind.
Saira: Of course, Maggie. What is it?
Maggie: We come here every month, and we share all these really personal stories about ourselves, and, well, we don't know anything about you.
Saira: I'm just the moderator.
Maggie: Do you have a child with Autism?
Saira: No. Um, I don't. But I do have a -- a brother with Autism. My brother Sager was born when I was 6 years old, and he was --he was a little baby doll, you know? He was perfect, except he wasn't. Nobody really knew what Autism was back then, even my parents who were doctors. They didn't know how to help him. Everything they tried didn't work and piece by piece he continued to get worse. Finally, my parents couldn't handle him anymore, so, they sent him away to a group home when I left for college. Best in the country, they said, but it was 3,000 miles away from home in New York, which is why I'm here in Port Charles. So, no, I don't have a child with Autism, but I do know what it's like to watch someone you love disappear into a world you can't enter.
Claire: Right this way, everyone. Here he is.
Ryan: Uh, what the hell's going on? Hey. Hey, stop. Ow!
Intern: I've never seen this before.
Ryan: Stop that!
Intern: You won't hear about this in med school.
Ryan: Who are you guys?
Intern: To actually see something so freakish in person.
Ryan: Puts the shirt down.
Epiphany: What the hell is going on in here?
Ryan: That's what I'd like to know.
Claire: It's your dream come true, McCormick. You're the center of attention, the main attraction. The MRI shows you pulled a muscle, your soas. Physical therapy should take care of it.
Ryan: So, why the audience?
Claire: Because you have 4 kidneys. Congratulations.
Grace: Don't be so stubborn.
Larry: I'm getting married today. You wanna come?
Grace: My mother will be reasonable once we scrape her off the ceiling.
Larry: No offense, hon, but I'm not worried about your mother or the other guests.
Grace: We will get married when the doctor says.
Kyle: I'm with the bride. You need to take this condition more seriously.
Larry: I made a promise. I'm not breaking it. So, my heart's a little messed up. I'm sorry it's less than perfect. But it's the only one I got. And I gave it to you. You want it or don't you?
Leo: I want to make you a deal. I'm gonna prescribe you some betablockers. You go home, get married, come back tomorrow for more tests. Although, I was trying to give you an easy out, my man.
Larry: I'm not looking for an easy out anymore. Aah!
Leo: What is it?
Grace: What is it? What is it? No, wait, wait, wait.
Larry: Aah!
Leo: Cardiac arrest. Code blue. Go!
Jagger: Hey.
Saira: Hey. Did you forget something?
Jagger: No, I was thinking that, uh, took a lot of courage to say what you did.
Saira: I'm just the facilitator. It's not supposed to be about me.
Jagger: Well, you know, I couldn't have done it.
Saira: You know, it's new. You'll get comfortable talking about Stone.
Jagger: Yeah, but I don't want to get comfortable. I don't want it to be normal. I mean, when do you ever get to a place where you can be comfortable enough to talk to strangers about something so private?
Saira: That's the thing. They stop becoming strangers, and they start becoming people who share your pain. [Saira sighs] I...
Jagger: Hey, it's ok.
Saira: I don't know why I'm being so emotional. It's just... it's just, you know, my -- my parents. They abandoned my brother and... and I was a part of that. I can't do anything. I can't do anything for him. I can't hug him. I can't do anything.
Jagger: Come on. Come here. [Whispering] It's ok.
Saira: Yeah.
[Saira and Jagger kiss]
Saira: I heard about your emergency heart surgery. Nice work.
Leo: Yeah. It was good. He had an atrial septal defect. Whoa.
Saira: How long since you been up?
Leo: 36 hours. No big deal.
Saira: That's what on call rooms are for. You know, you should probably go take a shower, grab a nap.
Leo: Well, who needs sleep when you've got the adrenaline of cardiac surgery?
Saira: So, how's the patient?
Leo: He'll be up on his feet and marrying his girlfriend in a couple of days.
Saira: Did I hear there's some kind of an infection?
Leo: Yeah, there's a--there's a bad gram-positive staph infection going around like crazy on the fourth floor. Looks like it made its way up to the Coronary I.C.U.
Saira: You know, with his condition, traditional antibiotics could make him worse. I happen to know of this Ayurvedic treatment that's been proven to be pretty successful.
Leo: We've got him on a regimen. He's doing fine.
Saira: Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me.
[Machine beeping]
[Robin sighs]
Robert: Robin?
Robin: Hey. I'm here, Dad. So is Uncle Mac and Patrick.
Mac: How do you feel?
Robert: Oh, like someone... sliced open my belly. They get it all?
Patrick: Yeah, it looks good. We had to take some lymph nodes and a large piece of your intestine.
Robert: How much? How--how much intestine?
Robin: They couldn't reconnect it.
Robert: Do I have a bag? [Robert sighs] I told you not to.
Robin: Dad, you would have died without it.
[Robert scoffs]
Robert: Now, I can live forever. [Robert snickers] Mac, how could you let her do this?
Robin: Don't blame Mac. It was -- it was my choice.
Robert: And it was a bad one.
Robin: Without the colostomy, they would have sent you home to die. I'm sorry, but that is not a choice.
Ryan: What do you think? Compact fluorescent. Makes a much smaller carbon footprint.
[Claire scoffs]
Claire: This is why you paged me? You know I've got rounds.
Ryan: Aren't you going to ask how I am?
Claire: No, 'cause I know how you are. You're fine.
Ryan: I really want you to be my doctor.
Claire: You have a whole medical team now, and I hear they're crazy about you.
Ryan: Yeah. I like that you have to pay attention to me now, whether you want to or not.
Claire: It's not my area of expertise.
Ryan: Oh, ok. Seriously, name a doctor on staff whose expertise is multiple unnecessary organs.
Claire: Good point.
Ryan: If you're not gonna be my doctor, at least, have dinner with me. It's organic.
Claire: It looks scary.
Ryan: You know, I agreed to stay here to be observed, not to eat the crap you people serve.
Claire: It's kinda strange, isn't it? That you can go your whole life without knowing that you have 4 kidneys? I think it's kind of fascinating.
Ryan: Fascinating in a clinical, observational way? Or more like, "wow, that's hot"? Right. I'm a freak.
Claire: No, no. You're not a freak. If I hadn't seen your insides, I'd think you were normal. Kind of.
Ryan: So, now that you've seen my freakish insides, would you consider dinner sometime?
Claire: Isn't this dinner?
Ryan: Right. I mean, why should things be different? You're still Claire Simpson.
Claire: You know what your problem is? You think I'm the same girl I was in high school, except I was never that girl. I was just as screwed up as you are, and I'm really, really sick of you assuming that you know who I am.
Ryan: Poor little pretty girl. Ha ha! Hey, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Claire: I don't know why I waste my time.
Ryan: So, uh, what will you do with my extra kidneys?
Claire: I don't know. Remove them, I guess. Why?
Ryan: Well, I don't wanna waste 'em. Yep. I'm gonna keep 2 and sell the other 2.
Leo: So, how you feeling?
Larry: It hurts. But all things considered.
Leo: I save the guy's life, I hand him over to his bride with all of his parts intact, and this is the thanks I get. Unbelievable. [Chuckles] Check his wound, won't you?
Larry: Oh, look at you, ordering the poor kid around. What is he, your wife?
Kyle: If I don't pretend like I worship him, he makes my life miserable.
Larry: Aha! See, honey? Take notes.
Grace: Do you think you could up his dosage? Turn that thing up to max?
Kyle: Dr. Julian, could you come and give me a hand on this, please?
Larry: What's going on?
Grace: What is it? What's happening?
Jagger: You did what you had to do, right?
Robin: I know. But I just... making decisions for my dad, it's, uh, a big responsibility that I don't know if I'm ready for.
Jagger: You know, Stone was the first person who was entirely dependent on me. I mean, more than Karen, more than my brother, more than my sister, more than anyone. You know, and it scares the hell out of me that I'm gonna make a bad decision for him. But, you do the best you can.
[Footsteps approaching]
Saira: Yeah. Hey.
Robin: Hey.
Jagger: Hi.
Saira: I, uh, I didn't expect to find you here.
Jagger: Oh, I came here to see Robert.
Saira: Great. That's great. So, I'm, uh, I'm so glad you came to the meeting yesterday. How's Stone?
Jagger: He's good. He's fine. He's with the sitter. Um, actually, I should go.
Saira: Ok.
Jagger: It's good to see you.
Saira: It was good to see you, too.
Jagger: I'll be back tomorrow to see your father.
Robin: He'll like that.
Jagger: Ok. Bye.
Saira: Bye.
[Saira sighs]
Robin: Ok, that was weird. Want to tell me what's happening?
Saira: Nothing. How's your father?
Robin: He's fine. Look, I honestly could really use a distraction, so, will you tell me what's going on?
Saira: It's no big deal.
Robin: Well, just spill it, please.
Saira: We kissed. We kissed. Yeah. We kissed. It was after the meeting and I was all vulnerable and crying and then he hugged me and then I don't know. I don't know.
Robin: Ok, ok. Stop overanalyzing. How was it?
Saira: You know, after it was done, I was like, "what just happened?" Like, I don't know. It was--it was too much too soon or wrong place, wrong time.
Robin: Ok, pick a clich� and stick with it.
Saira: His son is my patient. I don't even know if it would be ethical to cross that boundary.
Robin: Sounds to me like you're grasping.
Saira: Grasping for what?
Robin: A reason to blow him off.
Saira: Oh, really? And why would I do that?
Robin: I know you.
Saira: Huh?
Robin: You're kind of a one-man girl and, well, aren't you already into somebody else?
Grace: What's going on with Larry?
[Leo sighs]
Leo: Well, we all know that the surgery itself went smoothly. Occasionally, though, the patient can get an infection after leaving the sterile O.R. Now, Larry's allergic to penicillin, and, with his heart condition, the wrong antibiotic can make things worse.
Grace: What happens if you can't stop the infection?
Leo: The way his heart is already compromised, there's a real danger.
Grace: Are you saying he could die?
Leo: You know, we're doing everything we can to keep him alive.
Grace: I thought the operation was supposed to do that.
Leo: Surgeons often tell themselves that their job begins and ends with surgery. A lot of times, it's what happens after that that matters most.
Saira: Come in.
Leo: So, this is where you hold all your s�ances, right? I come bearing gifts.
Saira: Thank you. What is it?
Leo: Herbal tea. I made it myself.
Saira: Ohh. Ohh! With what, disinfectant?
Leo: Sorry.
Saira: I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Thank you.
Leo: So, you know that long Q.T. patient of mine?
Saira: Sure.
Leo: His post-op infection is off the charts.
Saira: What are you gonna do about it?
Leo: Well, we can't use the usual meds, so, I thought I'd check around, see if anybody has any ideas. Any ideas?
Saira: Would you like my help, Leo?
Leo: I could use the assist, yeah.
Saira: All you had to do was ask.
[While Leo watches, Saira prepares a mixture which she applies to Larry's chest]
Claire: You can't sell your kidneys.
Ryan: I can do whatever I want with them.
Claire: I'm pretty sure it's illegal.
Ryan: Well, I'm not going to sell them for profit. That would be immoral. I'm gonna auction 'em off and give the cash to charity. To Rainforest Foundation or Save the Whales. You like whales, Claire?
Claire: Of course, I like whales. Who doesn't like whales? It's just not the point.
Ryan: Think about it. People need kidneys. I have 2 to spare. It's the ultimate recycling.
Claire: You can't auction your kidneys off to the highest bidder.
Ryan: Why not? Do you think some insurance company's better qualified to decide who needs them? This way, they'll absolutely go to whoever needs them.
Claire: But it's bizarre.
Ryan: I know. Ha ha! So, what's it gonna be, Simpson? Are you in? Or are you out?
Larry: No offense, man, but every time I see you, it's bad news.
Leo: There's always room for change. Your fever's coming down. Looks like your body might be fighting off the infection.
Larry: I thought I was done. All I could think was, "how can I leave Grace now? How do I let go of her?"
Leo: Well, you don't have to.
Larry: Thank you, Doc.
Leo: I want to know something. How did you know? About Grace? That this is the one?
Larry: Uh, Grace is the first girl I ever met who didn't want to change me. I mean, she looked at me in all my arrogant, stubborn, sarcastic ways and--and she was like, "Ok. This is who you are." I looked at her and she can be a handful. And I realized I wouldn't change a thing. That's how I knew.
Leo: This is the part where I refrain from lecturing you about the on call room.
[Leo chuckles]
Saira: Aren't you the image of self control?
Leo: I just got back from Larry's room. Nice work, doc.
Saira: I'm sorry, but did--did hell just freeze over?
[Leo laughs]
Saira: You know what? You saved his life when you diagnosed him and performed surgery. I just--I just came along and kinda cleaned up the mess.
Leo: I guess we make a good team.
Saira: I guess so.
Leo: So...
Saira: So.
Leo: Ok, look. I'm just gonna say this. [Leo sighs] Whether you can handle it or not.
Saira: Ok. Give me your best shot.
Leo: You're one of the most fascinating women I've ever known. You're brilliant and stubborn and sexy and... every time I come to work, I can't wait to see you. Say something.
Saira: You are so not my type. You're arrogant and obnoxious and sometimes you are just plain mean. When you're good, like today, you just... it gets to me. I--I feel... I feel alive and challenged when I'm around you.
Leo: Ok, then.
Saira: Ok, then.
Leo: Now what?
Saira: I have no idea. But I should warn you that I have a really terrible track record when it comes to relationships.
Leo: It can't be worse than mine.
Saira: That, I believe.
Epiphany: Ok, I might be able to get him changed and cleaned before he wakes up.
Robert: Oh, what--what? What?
Robin: Dad, it's ok. Um, Epiphany just has to change your bag. It won't take long.
Robert: Ohh!
Epiphany: Ok, Robert. Now, I'm just going to get a [Indistinct]. The stoma's gonna be a little sensitive.
[Robert screams]
Epiphany: Because you're still healing. But Dr. Geller did a really fine job. I just need to clean it.
Robert: Oh, please, just leave me the hell alone!
Patrick: Here, Scorpio, just squeeze my hand.
[Robert moans]
Epiphany: All right, Robert, just hold on.
Robert: Aah!
Epiphany: Doing good.
Robert: Oh! No!
Epiphany: All right, we're almost finished. We're almost finished.
[Robin sighs as she stands outside the room]
Robin: I was thinking about all the times that you rescued me.
Announcer: On the next "Night Shift" ...
Toussaint: He doesn't need a doctor right now. He needs a daughter.
Announcer: Robin will fight to save her father.
Robin: Even with all the research, I might not be able to cure you, but I can love you.
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