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The General Hospital Links Page

All the General Hospital Links We Could Find!

Add Your General Hospital Link!        Links checked 5/18/23
The Best sites linked here have a  red star graphic next to them and have earned our award

General Hospital: Night Shift Links

Official Sites

Please note: Anyone can put up a web site, or a blog, or Twitter account, or Facebook page and claim to be a celebrity. We try to only put sites we are fairly sure are that person, but we don't claim to be perfect! So just please be aware of that when visiting these pages...
Second note: many actors have left Twitter over protest of Elon Musk or other issues, but we'll leave their Twitter links up as long as they're recent and they don't actually take them down (even if they no longer post).

ABC's GH Site red star graphic
The official site, with lots of great stuff including daily updates, many pictures, cast bios, and more.
Follow the Official GH Twitter account and visit them on Facebook and Instagram. Also, get cool GH GIFs at their Official Giphy Page.

GH interactive Twitter page for chats with the cast.

ABC's Official General Hospital YouTube Channel
Watch clips and previews here!

The Official GH Fan Club Website
Lots of info here about the annual fan club events and more! Fan Club on Facebook and Twitter!

GH on Hulu
Watch recent episodes here!

Frank Valentini on Twitter
Follow the show's Executive Producer!

Find many of your favorite GH actors here!

Lexi Ainsworth Official Site
For the actress who plays Kristina. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram

Réal Andrews (Marcus Taggert) - follow him on InstagramTwitter and Facebook! Visit his Get Real site.

The Official Bradford Anderson Website
For the actor who plays Damian Spinelli. Follow him on Twitter & Instagram.

Tahj Bellow (TJ) - follow him on Instagram and Facebook.

Maurice Benard (Sonny)- follow him on Youtube, Instagram, and Twitter.

Leslie Charleson (Monica) - follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

Chad Duell on Twitter and Instagram - follow the actor who plays Michael Corinthos.

Follow Michael Easton on Facebook (Dr. Hamilton Finn).

Genie Francis on Twitter
Follow the Emmy-winning actress who plays Laura. Also visit her Facebook and her site A Place for Genie Francis Fans.

Follow Kathleen Gati (Dr. Liesl Obrecht) on Twitter, Facebook  and Instagram.

Nancy Lee
Official website for the actress who plays Alexis! Follow her on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Tanisha Harper (Jordan) - Official Site with basic info.  Follow her on Instagram!

Carolyn Hennesy (Diane) -
follow the actress her on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Rebecca Herbst Official Fan Club Basic fan club information for the actress who plays Elizabeth...not much here. *
Follow her on Twitter!

Follow Lynn Herring (Lucy) on Twitter.
Official page for the actress who plays Anna. Great site! Follow her on Twitter and Instagram.

Adam Huss (Nikolas) - visit his official site and follow him on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Josh Kelly (Cody) - follow him on Instagram
Official site for the actor who plays Ned.* Follow him on Twitter

Jon Lindstrom's Official Site Follow the actor who plays Kevin/Ryan on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

Lisa LoCicero (Olivia) - follow her on Twitter and Instagram 

Cameron Mathison (Drew) - follow him on Instagram!

Kelly Monaco - follow the actress wo plays Sam on Twitter and Instagram.

Hayley Alexis Pullos (Molly) - follow her on Instagram.

Tristan Rogers - follow the actor who plays Robert Scorpio on Twitter.

Emma Samms - follow the actress who plays Holly on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram!

Marc Anthony Samuel (Felix) - follow him on  Twitter  and Instagram.

Follow Ava & Grace Scarola (the adorable twins who play Avery) on Instagram.

Kin Shriner (Scott) - follow him on Twitter and Instagram

Stephen A. Smith (Brick) - Visit his official ESPN site, and follow him on TwitterInstagram and Facebook.

Kirsten Storms (Maxie) - follow her on Instagram.

James Patrick Stuart Official Website for the actor who plays Valentin Cassadine. Also, follow him on TwitterInstagram and Facebook.

Donnell Turner (Curtis) - follow him on Instagram.

Cynthia Watros (Nina) follow her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

Maura West - follow the actress who plays Ava Jerome on Twitter and  Instagram .

Laura Wright - follow the actress who plays Carly on Twitter, Instagram  and Facebook

John J. York on Twitter
Follow the actor who plays Mac Scorpio.


Jesica Ahlberg (ex-Darby) Official Site & Facebook page. Also, follow her on Twitter & Instagram.

Kristen Alderson on Twitter
Follow the actress who played Kiki. Also, check out her YouTube & Instagram pages.

Richard Dean Anderson
Official site for the actor who played Jeff Webber.

Follow Vinessa Antoine (ex-Jordan) on Instagram. Also, check out her Cooking for Little Men website.

Adrienne Barbeau Official Site
Official site for the actress who played Suzanne. Follow her on Instagram  and Facebook.

Brandon Barash - Follow the actor who played Johnny Zacchara on Twitter and on Instagram. .

Nicolas J. Bechtel (ex-Spencer) - follow him on Twitter and Instagram.

Julie Marie Berman (ex-Lulu) - follow her on Instagram.

Sean Blakemore - follow the actor who played Shawn on Twitter and Instagram.

Andrea Bogart (ex-Abby) - follow her on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Check out her Official Website!

Ian Buchanan - follow the actor who played Duke Lavery on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram!

Chad Brannon Official Site
For the actor who played Zander.

Tamara Braun (ex-Carly/Kim) - follow the actress on Instagram.

Wendy Braun
Official site for the actress who played Mrs. Sneed. Follow her on Twitter.

Brianna Brown
Official site for the actress who played Dr. Lisa Niles.
Follow her on Twitter and Instagram.

Sarah Brown Online  red star graphic
Official fan page for Sarah Brown (ex-Claudia/Carly) with transcripts, photos, and much more! Follow her on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Rebecca Budig (ex-Hayden) - follow her on Instagram.

Steve Burton (ex-Jason) -
follow the actor on Instagram and his Instagram events page with Bradford Anderson as well.

Nathin Butler (ex-Ewen) - Check out his Official Site!

Martha Byrne (ex-Andrea) - follow the actress on Twitter and Instagram

Ryan Carnes (ex-Lucas) - follow himon Twitter and Instagram. Visit his band page!

Teresa Castillo on Twitter and Instagram
Follow the actress who played Sabrina Santiago.

Drew Cheetwood (ex-Milo)
Follow the actor on Twitter and Instagram.

Tyler Christopher (ex-Nikolas) - follow him on Twitter and Instagram.

Scott Clifton (ex-Dillon) - follow him on Instagram

Matt Cohen (ex-Griffin) -  Follow him on Twitter and Instagram.

Bryan Craig (ex-Morgan) - follow him on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

William deVry (ex-Julian) follow him on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Linda Dano (ex- Rae)
Follow her on Instagram!

Seamus Dever (ex-Ian Devlin) - follow him on Twitter and  Instagram

Official Scott Egan Website red star graphic
Great site for the actor who played Johnny, Sonny's bodyguard. Easy to use.*

Mary Beth Evans (ex-Katherine Bell) - follow her on Twitter and Instagram. Check out her Official Site.*

Richard Fancy (ex-Bernie/Benny) - follow him on Facebook.

Terri Garber (ex-Victoria) - follow her on Facebook.

Rick Hearst (ex-Ric) - follow him on Instagram.

Jonathan Jackson (ex-Lucky) Official Site. Follow him on
Twitter and Instagram.

The Official Anne Jeffreys Website For the actress who played Amanda.

Mykel Shannon Jenkins
(ex-Officer Murphy) - follow him on Instagram.

Sean Kanan (ex-AJ) - visit his site The Way of the Cobra and follow him on Twitter and Instagram.

Lesli Kay (ex- Lois) - follow her on Instagram.

Ted King (ex-Luis/Lorenzo Alcazar) - follow him on Twitter and  Instagram

Dave Koz red star graphic
Official site for the former GH theme song writer. Impressive site, good layout, well updated.

IIlene Kristen (ex-Delia) Official Website, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook page.

Robert LaSardo (ex-Manny/Mateo) - follow him on Facebook.

Anna Lee icon

Jen Lilley Official Website
Nice site for the actress who played Maxie. Also, follow her on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Vanessa Marcil (ex-Brenda) - follow her on Facebook

Ronnie Marmo (ex-Ronnie) - follow him on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Ricky Martin red star graphic
Official page for the actor/singer who played Miguel. It has the latest photos, news, events, music.  Very impressive, bilingual site and kept updated. Also, here are his official Facebook and Twitter pages.

Leigh J. McCloskey (ex-Damian Smith/Michael Baranski) - follow him on  Facebook and Instagram

Kimberly McCullough (ex-Robin) - follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

Krys Meyer (ex-TJ) - follow him on Instagram!

Anthony Montgomery (ex-Dr. André Maddox) - follow him on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter

Demi Moore on Twitter
Follow the actress who played Jackie.

Lindsey Morgan (ex-Kristina) - follow her on Twitter and Instagram.

Stephen Nichols (ex-Stefan) - follow him on Instagram.

Minae Noji Official Site
For the actress who played Kelly. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram.

Ryan Paevey (ex-Detective Nathan West) - follow the actor on Instagram and Twitter. Check out his Fortunate Wanderer website!

Nathan Dean Parsons (ex-Ethan) - visit him on Instagram.

Cynthia Preston
The official home of the actress who played Faith, with site updates, news, calendar, forum and more. Follow her on Facebook!

Ingo Rademacher (ex-Jax) - follow him on Instagram

Danielle Rayne
Official site for the actress who played Mrs. Dixon. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram!

Scott Reeves (ex- Steve) - follow him on Facebook and Instagram.

Sebastian Roché - follow the actor who played Jerry Jacks on Twitter and Instagram.

Follow Emme Rylan (ex-Lulu) on Facebook!

Antonio Sabato, Jr. Official Site
For the actor who played Jagger. Follow him on Instagram, Facebook and  Twitter!

Michael Saucedo - Follow the actor who played Juan on Facebook.

Alyssa Shafer Online
Official fansite for the actress who played ex-Older Emma.

Monti Sharp
Follow Monti Sharp (ex-Justus) on Facebook.

Brooklyn Rae Silzer (ex-Emma) on Instagram.

Rick Springfield Official Site
Great site for the rock star/actor who played Noah and Eli. Great, lots of information! Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram!

Official Website of Michelle Stafford (Nina). Follow her on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

John Stamos (ex-Blackie) -
follow him on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Kelly Sullivan (ex-Kate/Connie) - follow her on Instagram.

Amber Tamblyn's Official Site
Official website for the actress who played Emily Quartermaine, with a forum where you can talk with Amber, her mom, and other  fans. Follow her on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!

Kelly Thiebaud (ex-Britt) - follow her on  Twitter and TikTok!

C.J. Thomason (ex-Lucas) - follow him on Twitter.

Jason Thompson (ex-Patrick) - follow the actor on Twitter and Instagram.

Constance Towers (ex-Helena) - follow her on Facebook.

Janine Turner's Official Website
For the actress who played Laura Templeton. Follow her on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram!

Erik Valdez (ex-Trey Mitchell/Joe Scully III) -
Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Greg Vaughan (ex-Lucky) -
Follow him on Twitter and Instagram.

Tonja Walker (ex-Olivia) -
follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

Bree Williamson (ex-Claudette) - follow her on Twitter and Instagram.

Jacklyn Zeman (ex-Bobbie)
Follow the late actress on Twitter and Instagram (posts by her children).

General GH Pages

Soaps in Depth
News, spoilers, & interviews.

ackgh73994's channel
Watch past GH episodes on YouTube.

Celeb Dirty Laundry
Lots of GH spoilers.

Coastal Entertainment Productions
Celebrity fan events.

Daily Motion
GH videos of recent episodes

Daytime Confidential
Casting news, spoilers and more!

Fanpop General Hospital Club
Many photos, videos, articles and more

General Hospital Alternate Realities red star graphic
Fanfiction with untried couples, avatars, short soap stories, graphics.  Interesting site for fans of fanfic.  Well-organized and laid out.

General Hospital Exposed
Facebook page with spoilers, news, videos, etc.

General Hospital Fans on Facebook at General Hospital Spoilers.

General Hospital Fansite
Facebook page for GH fans.

General Hospital Forever
THE place to talk all things GH .....Share spoilers, talk plot theories, fashion, etc .....Have fun and let's Dish On GH!

General Hospital RAW and Uncensored
This is a place to find the latest news and episodes.

General Hospital Rehab
Facebook GH Community page.

General Hospital Snark
Humorous/sarcastic page about GH.

General Hospital Wikia
Information about the show in Wiki form.

GH @ SoapCentral red star graphic  
Really great pages. Lots of stuff!

The GH Wub Tub
The dish you need about GH. Scoops, news, gossip, and FUN!

The Internet Movie Database
The IMDb's great page for the show, with huge cast list, links, and more.

The Scorpio Files, our partner site. 
Nicely designed fan page for the show with many pictures and links, etc.

Soap Opera Digest
News, fan events, etc.

The Soap Buzz by Michael Fairman
News, interviews, previews, etc.

Soap Opera Network
All the latest soap ratings, message boards, news, & interviews.
Soap site that includes a large GH section with daily updates, soap & casting news, etc.

SoapZone red star graphic (formerly Port Charles Online)
The oldest GH site on the Web! Popular message board, updates, and a whole lot more.  Also sections for all the other soaps.*

TV Guide Online
Great site with latest news, interviews, cast, photos, last 6 full episodes, and a lot more.

We Love Our GH
A group of GH lovers who are here to discuss our favorite show, share pics & spoilers.

Wikipedia red star graphic
The free online encyclopedia's page for GH.

Wikipedia Current Cast Members
Full list of contract and recurring players.
General Hospital news, scoops, gossip, and fun.

Fan Pages for Current Characters/Actors


♥ Ned

Kurth and Taylor On-Line!
Unofficial page for the band with info and sound clips.

Ned and Alexis
Mailing list, fan club, history, links, chat, all sorts of stuff!* (This one has a problem with the ad getting in the way of the main page, last time we checked.


♥ Elizabeth

Tim's Becky Herbst Page  red star graphic
Fan page about Becky (Liz) with news, pics, and more.*


♥ Alexis

My Unofficial NLG site
The site has a bio, history of Alexis, tons of pics from her SB days and GH, a message board and more... *

Nancy Lee Grahn Online
Nice fan page for the actress.*

Alexis and Luke: A comical duo
Dedicated to Alexis Davis and Luke Spencer and their possible pairing.*

♥ Sam

General Hospital True Fans of Sam (Kelly Monaco)
Facebook group for the actress.

For more Kelly Monaco links, check out our Port Charles Links Page.


♥ Anna

Anna and Duke
Great fan page for the couple

The Scorpio Files red star graphic
Our Partner Site--A great page for the Scorpio family and friends (especially Robert and Anna)! Many great pictures, descriptions, episode guides, bios, links, etc. No longer updated.


Emma Samms Online
Great fan site for the actress who plays Holly!


Scorpio and Tristan Stuff
Blog with lots of photos and info

The Off-screen Adventures of Robert X. Scorpio
Small blog about Robert*

Check out our own site for Tristan Rogers (Robert)!!

♥ Maxie

Kirsten Storms
A very small fan site, no longer updated, with tons of pictures and info from her early career. *

Kirsten Storms Fansite
For the actress (mostly her role as Belle on Days), no longer updated.

♥ Sonny

Maurice Benard Official Fan Page
Facebook site for Sonny Corinthos fans.

Maurice Benard Fan Group
Facebook group for the actor.

Old page for Sonny
Archive of an old Geocities fan page.*

Our old page for the actor.*

♥ Sonny and Carly

A very active yahoo group dedicated to one of GH's supercouples, Carson!

Site dedicated to Corinthos and Morgan family. Spoilers, rumors, fanfic, and the latest gossip welcome. So come join in! Yahoo group.*

red star graphic And make sure to check out our own page for  Maurice Benard


♥ Carly

Carly's World
Facebook group for the character

GH Fans Who Love Laura Wright / Carly Corinthos
Facebook group for fans of the actress/character.

Laura Wright Fans
Facebbook group for the actress who plays Carly.

Carly and Sonny - CarSon
Facebook group for the characters!

♥ Finn

Dr. Finn Medicine Man
Twitter page for Dr. Hamilton Finn as played by Michael Easton.*

Michael Easton Fans
who celebrate his talents as an actor/writer/poet/director & photographer.

Miscellaneous Characters

General Hospital Couples
Facebook fan group about the show.

Fan Pages for Characters/Actors No Longer on the Show

A.J. Quartermaine

Sean Kanan Fans
Facebook page for fans of the actor who played A.J. Quartermaine

Brenda Barrett and Sonny Corinthos

Julie's Sonny and Brenda Page
Mostly links

The Mobster and the Model
About Brenda and Sonny; photos, transcripts, music and more.

Sonny and Brenda General Hospital Fans-Many links, fan club info, etc.*

SOS-B: Save Our Sonny and Brenda
Info for reuniting the couple.

Carly Corinthos

 Check out our page for Tamara Braunred star graphic*

Carly Corinthos /Claudia Zacharra

Sarah Brown fan page
Photos, bio, but not much here*

Celebrity Page by SarahBFan
Stats, links, and not much else

Dillon Quartermaine

The Scott Clifton Fan Center
Yahoo group for the actor who played Dillon.

Dillon & Georgie's Sweet Haven
A small fan page for the couple.*

Emma Scorpio

Brooklyn Rae Silzer Fan Page on Twitter & Facebook.*

I Love Brooklyn Rae Silzer So Much
Facebook page for fans.*

Jason Morgan

Steve Burton Fan Group
Facebook fan group

FanPop Jason Morgan Fan Club
Lots of photos

The Jackal and Stone Cold
Blog about Jason and Spinelli*

Billy Miller Forever
Facebook fan page.


Twitter JaSam for Kelly & Jason fans.

Dominoes & Tequila
Great Jasam site with lots of stuff

General Hospital's #1 Jasam Page
Facebook group for the two

Team JaSam
Facebook group for the couple.

YouTube Channel
To celebrate Jason and Elizabeth's love story with lots of video clips as their journey continues.

Jasper "Jax" Jacks

General Hospital True Fans of Ingo Rademacher
Small Facebook group for the actor.

My Blue Heaven: Jasper Jaxk Fan Fic Page
Fan fiction about the character

Lucky Spencer

Jonathan Jackson Page
Small fan page for Jonathan Jackson (Lucky) with info, pictures, links, etc.*

The Jonathan Jackson Site
Fan page for Jonathan Jackson (Lucky). Lots of pictures, info, and more. Interesting navigation!*

The Official JJTBCB's Homepage!!
For Jonathan Jackson and Tyler Christopher; bio, polls, scoops, and more*

Lucky and Elizabeth Spencer

Lucky and Elizabeth Uniters
Small page for the couple; mostly links *

Lucky & Liz, A Modern-Day Luke & Laura
Not up to date, but has pictures and info.

Lucky and Liz Luv Page
Fan page for Rebecca Herbst (Liz) and Jonathan Jackson (Liz) with photos, history, links, lines, and more, but no longer updated... *

Lucky and Lizzie's Bliss
Photos and info for Lucky and Liz, laid out in an interesting way

Port Charles' Liz Webber and Lucky Spencer
No longer updated, it seems...

Luke and Laura Spencer

Cool Hand Luke: A Tony Geary Website
Fan page about Tony Geary (Luke) with photos, credits, etc.*

Luke and Laura - The Un-Revised Version
The Spencer History Page with Luke and Laura's true history and transcripts of actual GH episodes from 1978 to 1999.*

L&Lovers' Homepage
A small fan page with lists of the fan club members, some links, and under construction.*

The Luke and Laura/Tony Geary and Genie Francis Fan Page
Small Facebook group for the couple.* 

Noah Drake

Rick Springfield Fan
Pinterest site with many pics!

Rick Springfield (AKA Dr. Noah Drake / Eli Love)
Facebook group for the actor/character on GH.

Rick Springfield on Facebook
There are many Rick Springfield groups - mostly about his singing career. Click on the link to find them!

Robin Scorpio and Patrick Drake

Scrubs Hub
Tons of great stuff about the couple.*

Scrubs Salvation
Another great board for the duo.*

Stefan Cassadine and Katherine Bell
Official Fan Site for the actor who played Stefan. Also, follow his official Twitter fan page.

Stefan & Katherine-General Chemistry
Pictures, info, chat transcripts, and more


Matthew Ashford Homepage
Recaps, photos, transcripts and more for the actor who played Tom Hardy.*

Lexi Ainsworth the Next Chapter
Fan site on Facebook for the actress

Julie Marie Berman
Official fan page for the actress who played Lulu.

Rebecca Budig (Hayden) Fan Club.

The Robin Christopher Dedication Pages
Nicely-designed pages about the actress

Tyler Christopher Fan Page on Facebook.

Mike Corbin Guardian Angels
Fan club, links

Bree Williamson (Claudette) Fansite.

Twitter fan site for the actor who plays Det. Nathan West.*

Rexis - a love of a  lifetime
Great fan board for Ric and Alexis*

Lady Blue Eyes: Rena Sofer Online
Nice fan site for the actress who played Lois.

Unexpected Sonny & Emily Message Board

Sparky's Prince: The Real Gia & Nikolas
Fansite for Coltin Scott and Marisa Ramirez. Bios, Photos, and much more*

Amber Tamblyn Homepage
Mostly pictures *

Links to Other TV Sites

Links checked and some added 5/18/23

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