Fun General Hospital Stories!
"Be Careful What You Wish For"
by Kelly
Chapter 3: I Want My
Daughter Back
he was, standing in front of her, his beautiful blue eyes shining
brightly. He was wearing a pair of navy slacks and a tan shirt that
accentuated his muscles. He looked gorgeous in whatever he wore and after
being deprived of him for so long, Skye found herself attracted to him
again, something she hoped would never happen.
“Skye, we need to talk.” Jax spoke with a calm, cool manner.
“I want nothing to do with you, Jax.”
“Please Skye. I want my daughter back.”
“You want your daughter back? You haven’t been around for seven months,
Jax! You missed your only child’s first birthday! You missed her first
word, you missed everything! Why, all of a sudden do you want to see her?”
“I was too ashamed before to see her. What I did to you is wrong, and I never
should have done it.”
“Well, it’s too late for that, Jax. We have moved on, without you. I want
you to leave.”
“I thought that you would act this way, so I talked to a lawyer. I, as the
father, have every right to see Aurora, and I will Skye. You can do
nothing about it.”
“Does your lawyer know that you abandoned your baby? Does she know that
you are not fit to be a father? I will not let you see her, Jax, ever!”
“Yes, Ms. Quartermaine you will. Jax has the legal right to see his baby.”
Alexis Davis, Port Charles’s finest lawyer had come along with Jax to see
to it that his parental rights were enforced. Alexis was always prepared.
Nothing you threw at her could ruin the way her brilliant mind worked. In
the end, she would always win her case.
“What are you doing here? This is your lawyer Jax? An ex-wife?”
“Alexis is the best lawyer in town. Now where is the baby?”
“She isn’t here. You’ll have to come back another time.”
Skye began to close the door, knowing fully that she would not be around the
next time Jax came to collect the baby. She and Aurora would leave town.
The baby would have no interaction with her father or his mistress.
“I don’t think so Skye,” Jax pushed the door back open. “We’ll wait until
the baby is home. Where is she anyway?”
“That is none of your business Jax. I will get her and bring her back
quickly left the home, her mind tossing and turning with ideas about what
to do next. Should she let Aurora see her father? She knew that taking
Aurora away from Jax was a bad idea, but it’s all she could think to do
and it made sense to her. Jax could give her nothing. Aurora did need her
daddy though and deep down Skye knew it. If Skye had had a father figure
growing up then maybe her life wouldn’t have turned out the way that it
did. She hated never knowing her father. Rae, her incompetent mother would
tell her nothing and when Skye would bring up the subject, her mother
would brush it off. When Skye got older, she finally had the strength and
guts to “bully” her mother into the truth. So, she learned to love a man
who ended up not being her father at all. It broke Skye down, but now she
had Alan’s love and that kept her going. Nothing would hurt her more than
seeing her daughter forget her sorrows in the bottle, just like Skye had.
Even though she hated to admit it, Skye realized that seeing Jax would be
the best thing for her baby.
“Emily, where is the baby?”
“She’s over with Lila. What’s wrong Skye?”
could tell by the look on Skye’s face that something bad was happening and
she was worried.
“Jax… Jax is back, Em. He wants to see Aurora.” Skye was finding it harder
and harder to hold back the tears.
“Well, isn’t that good? Doesn’t that show that he loves her, and maybe
even you, Skye?”
‘No, Emily this isn’t good! I have taken care of Aurora for 7 months! I’ve
fed her, cuddled her, played with her and stayed up with her every night.
I was her mommy and her daddy, Emily! Jax missed everything, her first
tooth, her first word, and her first birthday but now he wants to see her.
Isn’t that noble of him, wanting to see her after I’ve done everything to
take care of her.”
Slowly, the tears began to slide down her face but Skye wasn’t going to
cry, not here, not ever. Jax wasn’t going to break her soul down again.
know this must be hard for you Skye. He left you and the baby and by the
looks of it he is only looking back now, because his conscious has told
him to. You can’t keep him from his daughter.”
know that Emily, I really do. My life could have been so much better if I
had a father. I just don’t want to see Aurora hurt. She’s going to be
scared of him, Em, and being with him will make her cry. Because of the
choices he made, her own father is now a stranger in her life!”
“This doesn’t have to happen as fast as you think it will. Today, he can
visit with her, at the house, and then next time maybe he can take her for
a walk. As long as Aurora is okay, you will be too, alright?”
guess we better get this over with now then. I’ll go get the baby.”
walked over to the large willow tree where Aurora and her great
grandmother were sitting together. Lila was in the wheelchair, enjoying
the weather and the crowds of people and Aurora was placed Lila’s lap, her
head on her great grandmother’s shoulder. She looked tired, and was about
ready for a nap. Hopefully, Jax would accept that as a reason to leave
“Good morning, Grandmother. How are you today?”
was the favorite Quartermaine and everybody loved to be with her. She
could make anyone smile and was always positive. They all dreaded the day
that she would no longer be around, but tried to think about that very
“Good morning, my dear. I am fine today. Aurora and I were just playing.
Would you care to join us?”
“Not today, Grandmother. I’m afraid that I won’t be able to stay at the
gala today. Jax is here to see the baby so I must take Aurora back home.”
“Well, all right then my dears. Have fun, you two!”
bent down to pick up Aurora. The baby looked up and smiled as her mommy
cradled her. She noticed that her headband had fallen off, so she quickly
put it back on. Skye and the baby walked back to the house in silence, a
tear making its way down Skye’s cheek onto the baby’s face. Aurora nestled
into Skye’s chest, and Skye began to cry. After holding back the tears for
so long, Skye took the baby, sat on a bench and looked into Aurora’s eyes.
All she could do was cry and smile at her precious little darling, her
pride and joy. Aurora was her daughter, the most cherished thing that Skye
could ever ask for, and she was going to protect her from everything
horrible in the world. Skye was now beginning to realize that being with
Jax wasn’t something that Aurora needed to be protected from. She would be
fine with the love of her mommy and daddy. Together, Skye and Aurora
headed back to the house, ready to see what would happen in the future.
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Page updated 6/5/12