Fun General Hospital Stories!
"Be Careful What You Wish For"
by Kelly

Chapter 2: Aurora
The past few
months had been hard, for her and Aurora. Aurora missed her daddy and Skye
missed Jax. She wished that she could forget all her fears in the bottle,
but she knew that her baby needed and depended on her. She knew that
whatever it would take, she would never sacrifice her baby girl’s life.
Aurora was getting really big and even more beautiful than before. She had
her daddy’s crystal clear blue eyes and his dimples. But, she also had
something that her daddy could never give her, she had her mommy’s love, and
that was the one thing keeping Skye around. Skye never had her mother’s
love, and she needed it. Skye had spent countless nights alone as a child
while her mother was off with men or friends. In the morning, if and when
her mother returned Skye had to tiptoe around the house because her mother
would snap at her if she made too much noise. Rae drank a lot and it always
made her snappy.
Jax hadn’t
even bothered to visit the baby. He never called or wrote. As far as Skye
was concerned, he could stay away, forever. She knew that if he ever did
return she would make a fool of herself, and she didn’t want to do that. She
didn’t want to give him, or his little toy, Brenda the satisfaction of
making her cry. So much more in life is important.
Aurora’s cry
brought Skye back to reality.
“Mama, Mama!” The baby had awoken from a full
night of sleep.
The baby’s first word was Mama, and that made
Skye so happy to be alive. Skye hurried to the baby’s room, and found the
baby sitting up in her crib. Aurora’s room was perfect for a little
princess. The lilac colored walls had a border of ballerinas around them.
Aurora’s crib was white, with pink roses etched into the bars. Skye had
picked out the colors for the room herself. No designer was going to tell
her what her baby needed!
“Good morning my love,” Skye said to the
little baby in the crib.
Aurora crawled over to her mama with a huge
smile on her face and then smothered Skye with hugs and kisses.
“How about some breakfast?”
Skye picked up the baby and carried her
downstairs into the dining room.
Big Alice had
set the table for breakfast. Breakfast was one of Skye’s favorite times of
the day. Aurora and her could spend the most amount of time together there
because the rest of the Quartermaines wouldn’t be up for at least another
hour. Then, it was all chaos. There was always somebody who wanted to play
with or hold the baby. She was the only baby any of them knew and they all
spoilt her. When Jax left Skye, surprisingly enough, the whole family
pitched into help out Skye.
“How is Miss Aurora today?” Big Alice
questioned. Even the servants loved to see the baby.
Aurora responded with a giggle.
“She seems to be doing fine today, thank you
Alice,” Skye answered.
“Reginald should be around soon with the baby's outfit. Will you be dressing her today, or would you like Reginald
“I will today, thanks, and that will be all.”
Skye dismissed the servant.
“Now, Aurora, what would you like today: porridge or
The baby
pointed to the bowl of hot cereal and clapped her hands together, a huge
smile forming on her face. She loved to play with the cereal, and usually
got it everywhere, except for where it belonged, in her stomach.
‘Okay, my sweet, here you go.”
Skye fed the
baby and then they both went upstairs to get dressed for the annual
Quartermaine Gala, an outdoor picnic that raised money for Breast Cancer.
Skye dressed the baby in a white skirt with a pink tank top and a pair of
Mary Janes. She put the baby’s hair in a pink headband. Aurora looked like a
perfect little doll.
‘Good morning you two,” Emily was up and the
first one asking for the baby.
“Good morning, Em. Look Aurora, Auntie Emily
is here!”
Skye put
Aurora on the floor and she crawled over to her favorite aunt. Emily
scooped up the baby and kissed her all over.
“Is it all right if I take her to the park,
“Sure, I have to get ready anyway. Can you
bring her to the picnic when you’re done?”
“Sure, I’ll meet you there in an hour.”
“Goodbye my baby. Have fun with Auntie
“Bye Bye,” Aurora answered.
Skye went to
her bedroom to get ready. What should she wear today? Skye hated to look in
her closet; Jax’s clothes still hung there. She didn’t have to courage to
throw them away. They were one of the only things left that she had to
remind her of him. Every once in a while, when she was feeling down, she
would go to the closet and smell his clothes. They smelled of his cologne, a
fresh spray from the ocean. Today, she missed him and let herself linger in
the memories of him. He had been the only man to treat her right. He was
the only one that had treated her as if she meant something in the world.
She had fallen, head over heels for him, and it was the worst thing she
could have done. Now that he was gone, it was much harder to move. He had
turned into the rest of the men that she dated. He had found someone new.
There was always someone new. Every person she dated found someone new and
it killed her inside. But, she had to forget about it. Aurora needed her,
and she needed Aurora.
She forgot
about Jax, for now and got dressed. She put on a jean skirt and a short
sleeved white top with a navy blue sweater over her shoulders. Then she
combed her hair into a clip and placed black sandals on her feet. She wore a
minimum mount of makeup and then looked at herself in the mirror. She
realized that she had forgotten something very important, her pink ribbon
pin, the symbol for the fight against breast cancer.
No one seemed
to be in the house, which meant that she was going to be late. Skye grabbed
her purse and ran to the front door. She opened and in front of her she saw
something that made her lose her breath. Jax was standing in front of her, a
look of guilt on his face. Back to the Main GH Fan Fiction Page
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Page updated 6/5/12