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The General Hospital Fan Fiction Page

Fun General Hospital Stories!

Family Under Fire
by Willy Garza

Scene 1

Tracy Quartermaine is outside fixing her flowers in the garden as she hears footsteps from behind her.
She turns and smiles.
"O-M-G, Dylan. Son, you are finally back home in Port Charles!"
Dillon Quartermaine (John-Paul Lavoisier) beams, embracing his mom.
"Mother, I can't breathe. You're hugging me too tight!" remarks Dillon
Tracy sheds happy tears, then laughs.
"Oh, stop it, a mother's allowed to dote over her only son and hug him tightly!"
states Tracy.
Dillon shows a deep tone.
"Mother, we both know I am not your only son. I know your deep-seated secret!" hints Dillon.
Tracy is shocked!

Scene 2


A familiar face returns. The woman pulls off her sporty shades.
"Port Charles, the town of liars, thieves, and backstabbers!"

[Fade to Lois Cerullo Quartermaine (Rena Sofer)]

To Be Continued

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Page updated 7/10/15

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