General Hospital
Fan Descriptions and Photos!
GH Fan Club Weekend ~ Summer 2016
Embassy Suites LA, Glendale, CA
By Nikky
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My fourth
General Hospital Fan Club Weekend started on Friday, July 29. This was the
second year the event was held at the Embassy Suites in Glendale, CA. Having
been there last year, I felt more comfortable with my way around the hotel.
Having attended six events, this became helpful!
My first event was Nancy Lee Grahn's (Alexis Davis) Private Penthouse Event
at 6 p.m.
While I have met Nancy before, this was my first time attending one of her
events. The event was small, so much so that it sold out in less than 24 hours.
She actually had a second event Saturday morning (which I did not attend) to
accommodate fans who wanted to attend. Nancy talked about General Hospital and
how highly she thought of Constance Towers (Helena Cassadine) and how she hopes
Helena is not dead. She also spoke highly of Lexi Ainsworth (Kristina
Corinthos-Davis). Nancy had a cake for everyone and someone brought a dagger
with which Nancy stabbed the cake! Fans started to play a game, but I had to
leave early for my next event, so I got my picture with Nancy, had her sign my
Shutterfly book, and told her it was nice to see her again.
My next event on Friday, July 29, at 9 p.m. was a new one, The Country Jamboree, with Robert Palmer Watkins
(Dillon Quartermaine), Brytni Sarpy (Valerie Spencer), Marc Anthony Samuel
(Felix DuBois) & Hayley Erin (Kiki Jerome). We even got a cowboy hat!
event started with a Q&A. Some of the questions were: "Who was your celebrity
crush growing up, which character do you want to work with, which character
(besides your own) would you want to play, what was your first audition, what
was your most memorable audition and what is your fear."
Then the stars did
some line dancing. There was even an instructor! I have to give credit to all
four actors for trying, because the dances were hard! Brytni seemed right
at home and was doing great. There was a short break while Rob got set up to
sing, so they played music and people were just out dancing with the actors.
Hayley saw me and remembered me from last year. She got a big smile and pulled
me in for a big hug.
Rob sang three songs. I've heard him on his YouTube
videos, but to see him sing live was amazing. Next was a bit of a mismatch.
Some people were dancing and some people were in a photo booth. I tried to
stand in line for Rob and Hayley at the photo booth, but someone took them out.
So I quickly grabbed a picture with Rob. There were props for the photo booth
and the person before me had a sign that said "True Love," and he gave it to me
for my picture with Rob. I also went to see Hayley to get a picture, and she
gave me an earful for not going to the Kick-Off event. We chatted a bit about
how many events I was going to at GHFCW and how many she was going to as well as
everything else I was doing in LA. I tried to later get in line for the photo
booth for a second time, this time with Marc and Brytni, but they shut the photo
booth down for the night. I was, however, able to grab a photo with both.
Since things were so crazy, I didn't try to get anything signed by any of the
Saturday, July 30 was the GH Fan Club Main Cast Event from 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. I always feel like this
event is a hurry up and wait, and I always ask myself why I go every year.
However, I know it's my only chance to see certain actors, so I end up going.
After checking in, I browsed the photos for sale and picked up a few. Finally,
they let us into the ballroom. Our lunch was served in courses. They were
trying to find a microphone but finally did the live auction without one. There
were 6 items of Sam's, 2 of Jason's (although they didn't know which Jason
(Steve Burton or Billy Miller), a shirt of Franco's, items of Sonny's, a Metro
Court robe and items of Jason as played by Steve.
Finally, it was time for the
actors! I was sitting very close to the door as they entered, but everyone was
coming in so quickly that it was hard to get pictures. Kin Shriner (Scotty
Baldwin) was the MC and he introduced everyone. To the best of my
recollection, the
stars entered in the following order: Eden McCoy (Josslyn Jacks), Hudson West
(Jake Spencer), Risa Dorken (Amy Driscoll), John DeLuca (Aaron Roland), Chloe
Lanier (Nelle Hayes, ex-young Patricia Spencer), Parry Shen (Brad Cooper), Marc
Anthony Samuel (Felix DuBois), Haley Pullos (Molly Lansing-Davis), James Patrick
Stuart (Valentin Cassadine), Jon Lindstrom (Dr. Kevin Collins), Carolyn Hennesy
(Diane Miller), Kathleen Gati (Dr. Liesl Obrecht), Sonya Eddy (Epiphany
Johnson), Jeffrey Vincent Parise (Dr. Joe Rivera, ex-Carlos Rivera), Wally Kurth
(Ned Ashton), Anthony Montgomery (André Maddox), Brytni Sarpy (Valerie Spencer),
Donnell Turner (Curtis Ashford), Vinessa Antoine (Jordan Ashford), Hayley Erin
(Kiki Jerome), Kirsten Storms (Maxie Jones) who brought her daughter Harper Rose
Barash (Georgie Spinelli), Robert Palmer Watkins (Dillon Quartermaine), Ryan
Paevey (Nathan West) who was carrying Harper's book bag, Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis
Davis), William deVry (Julian Jerome), Lisa LoCicero (Olivia Falconeri), Dominic
Zamprogna (Dante Falconeri), Emme Rylan (Lulu Spencer-Falconeri), Roger Howarth
(Franco), Matt Cohen (Griffin Munro), Michael Easton (Dr. Hamilton Finn, ex what
seems like a dozen other characters), Rebecca Budig (Hayden Barnes), Michelle
Stafford (Nina Reeves), Maurice Benard (Sonny Corinthos), Bryan Craig (Morgan
Corinthos), Kelly Monaco (Sam Morgan), and last but certainly not least,
Executive Producer Frank Valentini. I think Wally, Nancy, & Roger received the
loudest cheers.
Instead of the normal Q&A, which in my opinion takes way
too long, each actor was asked what they did before GH. And onto the meet and
greet. The whole reason for being there!
I decided I would finally go to meet
Maurice. I told him this was my first time meeting him. He was very nice and
personable. Bryan was right next to him, so I also met him. I told him I had
originally met him in 2013 at the event with him, Jimmy Deshler (ex-Rafe Kovich, Jr), & Tequan Richmond (TJ Ashford). I wanted to meet Matt next, but he had to
leave early so his line was already cut off. I went to Jeff instead. I told
him I'm glad he's back, but he is looking a little bit like Carlos. He kept
saying Carlos is dead. I said come on, no one really dies in Port Charles. He
said Carlos died on the table. Hmmm. Still makes me wonder. After our picture,
I told Jeff I'd see him in October. Steve Bergman, who is a professional
photographer, saw my Shutterfly book and took a picture of me holding my book
with Jeff. He said he'd submit it to the magazine, but it's not up to him if it
gets in. I still think it's awesome that he took my picture.
Up next was Jon.
I told him I met him when he was at GHFCW with his wife, Cady McClain
(ex-Dixie, AMC). I told
him I bought her book but had not yet had a chance to read it. He said it's
good and I should (read it) and that she's a good writer. And he wasn't just
saying that because she's his wife. When we got our picture, the person taking
it got in close and Jon got really close to the camera. The person taking the
picture joked he loves close ups. We ended up getting a funny picture because
of it. Next up was Hayley. She gave me a huge hug, and we took some funny
pictures. Rob was next. We joked how long it had been seen we had seen each
other (less than 24 hours). I told him I was coming to his event in NY (with Brytni at the end of August) which is like 3 hours away from my house. He said
this event in LA is a long haul. Next up was Wil. I told him to tell Rebecca
(Staab, Elizabeth, Port Charles, and his girlfriend) I said hi and that I miss
her. He said he misses her, too, since she is filming two movies ("Live Like
Line" and "The Incredible Blueberry Farm"). I showed him the picture from GH
Fantasy Weekend in New Jersey where he is standing behind me but he is blurry.
Of course, I put my head on his shoulder for our picture. I finally decided to
go meet Frank. I told him I write letters and tweet and he said he reads all
the letters and tweets. He said sometimes the negative all blends together.
I said mine aren't always negative.
Next up was Risa who was very sweet. I told
her that her necklace was pretty. After Risa was John DeLuca. He is very
handsome in person. He looks older than he does on TV, but in a good way. He
looked familiar, but I still can't place him. He was in the Teen Beach movie
series, but I never saw those. Parry was next. He was selling the Brucas
wedding invite pictures, so I bought one and had him sign it. I told him I was
going to all three events in December (with him and Ryan Carnes, Dr. Lucas
Jones, in New York and New Jersey). He said they better come up with new stuff,
or I'll be in the back yelling "I heard this story yesterday." I still had a
little time left, so I went to see who were still there. I ended the event with
Chloe, Eden, & Hudson. Eden's mom was so nice and took our picture, and Hudson
is such a sweet little boy. His brother was there and took our picture. I was
finally out of time and out of stars. Overall since I did wait in a few lines,
which is normally something I don't do, I think I did well seeing fourteen
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General Hospital Fan Club Weekend!
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Page updated 8/22/16