Days of Our Lives Contact Info From The TV MegaSite

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The Days of Our Lives Contact Page

Write to your favorite DOOL star!

You can contact many of the actors through their web sites.  Find their links on our Days links Page.

To write NBC:

Viewer Relations
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112

Write to any actors at this address:
[Actor or Character Name]
c/o Days of Our Lives/NBC Television
3000 West Alameda Ave.
Burbank Ca. 91523

Complaining about the show?

Send an email to Days of Our Lives by going to  and filling out the form.

Mr. Ken Corday
Executive Producer, Days of our Lives
Corday Productions
Studio Plaza
3400 Riverside Drive, Suite 780
Burbank, CA 91505

Ron Carlivati
Head Writer, Days of our Lives
c/o NBC Studios
3000 W. Alameda Ave
Burbank, CA 91523

FYI: Actors are very busy people. Some of them answer or send autographs, and some just don't. It could take weeks, months, or years for them to answer, or you may get no reply at all.

Sound Off
Soap Opera Digest
 4 New York Plaza, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10004
e-mail: or comment on their Facebook page.
To get your letter in Ask Us, email or write in.

Other Daytime Address Pages: AMC, ATWT, B&B, GH, GL, OLTL, Passions, PC, & Y&R.

Page updated 3/16/21

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