Days of Our Lives Tape Trading From The TV MegaSite

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The Days of Our Lives DVD & Videotape Trading Page

Trade your favorite DOOL tapes & DVD's here!

NOTE: We haven't had time to update our tape trading pages for a long while, so these people may not still be them to find out.

  • Aaron's Guestbook is for Days tape trading 
  • amn_roo@yahoo.comis looking for EXCELLENT CONDITION Shawn and Belle tapes from winter/spring 2004 (up to when Shawn left town)!
  • Andrea is looking for Roman & Marlena episodes from 81-84 then again 91-95. She has tapes from 81- mid 87. They stop when Deidre Hall left the show.  They start again in 91 when she comes back and go through 95. She is looking for missing 81-84 stuff and 91-95 stuff. Especially 1983 & 1991-1992.
  • Anthony  is looking for the October 20, 2008 episode (#10936).
  • Bettina is looking for episodes of Days of Our Lives from 1990-1993 and 2005 on VHS/DVD.
  • Brandon's Days Of Our Lives Tape Trading Center
  • Brian is looking for any and all Days of Our Lives episodes with Lawrence Alamain, Guiding Light episodes with Phillip Spaulding (played by Grant Alexander), Another World episodes with Jake McKinnon, and One Life to Live episodes with the first Todd Manning (played by Roger Howarth). He has these to trade: Another World 1989 (episode where Vicky gave birth); Days of Our Lives 1992 (this was a primetime episode that aired just before the soap opera awards that night); and "Roger Thorpe-The Scandal years" (This is a 1994 video hosted by Michael Zaslow and has tons of Roger footage/scenes).
  • CJ's Vintage DOOL Tapes & Bo & Hope Edits
  • Classic Days Videos  Purchase your video's from this fan! Keep them on tape permanently
  • Days of Our Lives Tape Trade general tape trading site.
  • Days of Our Lives Tape Trade Many tapes for trade/sale
  • Days Tape Trading Page For trading Days of Our Lives videos
  • Debbie's Classic DOOL Tape Trading Center
  • Days of Our Lives Tape Trading Center
  • is looking for any Days Of Our Lives tapes.
  • In Case You Missed It Tape Trading Site for Days and other TV Shows.
  • James is looking for episodes of "Baby Bob".  He has many shows to trade, including Another World, Days of Our Lives, and Santa Barbara.
  • Jim is looking for Patch/Kayla edits
  • is looking for episodes with Mimi being homeless.
  • Lydia is a big fan of Michael T. Weiss and would like tapes of him, such as: the interview that he made at Rosie O`Donnell, Conan O`Brien, Jay Leno etc....Or Geraldo 1988 - Men Soap Only. Or the 4th Annual Soap Opera Digest 1988.
  • Mary is looking for someone to tape Days of Our Lives daily for her mother, who is in an assisted living facility and cannot get that channel in her room.
  • Naula's Days in Salem Page Links, photos, and tape trading
  • Nora's Tape Trading Page
  • Pam is looking for episodes on tape and/or DVD of actor James Scott as E.J. Wells from NBC's Days Of Our Lives soap from 5/31/06 to 6/8/06.
  • Paul wants to find tapes from when Shawn, Belle, Phillip, Mimi, et al. were on the island in the summer with their teachers and Paul (2001 I think?).
  • Robert has many old soap DVD's from the 60's through 80's, including Days!
  • Shane is looking for Days of Our Lives episodes for the week of 1/16/2006-1/20/2006 

  • Stacey has a lot of Days of Our Lives and other soap stuff, plus other things, so check out her list for what she wants and what she has. She also runs a tape-trading newsletter for the soaps!  She has some amazing stuff and is a good trader.
  • Teresa is interested in anything, tapes, photos, guest appearances in which Christian LeBlanc has appeared and is most interested in when he first appeared in the 90's and returned, up until and including May 14, 2004 on Y&R. She is also looking for any clips/episodes with Austin Peck (Brad Snyder/Austin Reed) from ATWT/DOOL and for Kevin Alejandro scenes/episodes on Y&R (Dominic Hughes 2004/early 2005).

  • Thane's Episodes Wanted

  • Tiffany is looking for any Days episodes from 70's and 80's and has complete years from 1991 and on to trade.
  • Tim is looking for episodes from DOOL during the Salem Stalker and Captive Island sequences, especially any with Tony DiMera when he tells the captives his plan and talks to Stefano's corpse.

Page updated 8/8/12

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