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The Days of Our Lives Store Page

Buys Days of Our Lives Merchandise here!

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These below are from various vendors; they may not all still be available.

Nobody Dies in Salem T-Shirts! New! Various colors and sizes.

Buy Tinsel Time, Jen Lilley's (Theresa) CD!  First 1,000 get a personalized Christmas card, too!

Buy an unofficial Michael Easton 2014 Calendar! It benefits the American Cancer Society
Buy via Paypal. $27 total for a wall calendar, $20 for a desk calendar, and $45 for a set of both. The Paypal email address is . Please use the gift or personal option to send the money so they don't charge a fee out of what is left for the American Cancer Society. More info  Michael Easton played Tanner on Days of Our Lives 1991-1992.

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Page updated 9/1/21

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