Lucas Roberts -- Days of Our Lives Character Descriptions From The TV MegaSite

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The Days of Our Lives Characters Pages

Days of Our Lives Character Descriptions

 Lucas Roberts
Played by Bryan Dattilo

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Bryan Dattilo made his "Days of Our Lives" debut on April 4, 1993. Prior to joining the popular drama Dattilo appeared on the live-action, Saturday- morning series "California Dreams" and on various prime-time series, including "In the Heat of the Night," "Doogie Howser," "Class of '96," and "Charles in Charge." Dattilo also had a featured role as the street-wise teenager, Jeff in the feature film "Arcade."

Dattilo was born in Kankakee, IL, on July 29, 1971. He later moved to Beverly Hills, CA with his family where he attended Beverly Hills High School.

In his spare time Dattilo enjoys traveling, surfing and playing baseball and basketball. He has an older brother and sister and three younger half-sisters. 1995 National Broadcasting Company Inc.

Lucas Roberts was raised by Kate Roberts.  She was a rising executive, so she sent him to boarding and military schools for most of his life.  He was a spoiled brat but very popular with the ladies.  They settled in Salem.  Lucas soon found out that he had a brother and sister, Billie and Austin.  He was very jealous of the two, especially Austin.  Their father was the evil Curtis Reed, but Lucas' father was Bill Horton.  Bill and Lucas came to an understanding before Bill left town.  Bill's children, Jennifer and Mike, are Lucas' half-siblings, but they are not close to Lucas.  Lucas is not the type to want to share.

Lucas fell in love with Carrie Brady, so he conspired to keep her and Austin apart, helping Sami Brady in her schemes.  Sami drugged Lucas and slept with him, and then tried to pass off her child as Austin's, so that ended their alliance.  They had a long, bitter custody battle for their son, Will.  Lucas' mother Kate despises Sami, for many reasons.  Thanks to Kate, Sami almost went to the electric chair for murder, but Lucas saved her.  Kate paid Nicole to get Lucas to marry her; their union did not last long.  Lucas had a problem with alcohol, and he was in a coma for awhile after a car wreck.  Lucas is a magazine executive like his mother.

Sami and Lucas worked things out for the sake of their child, and now they live across the hall from each other.  They are starting to fall in love, despite their problems of selfishness and deceit.  They both have grown up a lot.

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