Days of Our Lives Best Lines Monday 1/12/15
Provided By Wanda
Clyde: Detective Hernandez? Oh, I'm sorry, that was a little insensitive of me, wasn't it? Since you're no longer on the force anymore, are you? Guess that makes you a regular citizen now, doesn't it? Just like me.
Rafe: You're right. I may not be on the force anymore, but I'm nothing like you.
Clyde: Now, what is that supposed to mean? Do you think you're better than me, ex-Detective Hernandez, huh? Well, then go ahead. Take your best shot.
Rafe: Whoa! We're different, see, that's all I'm saying. You're a real renaissance man. You've got this, uh-- this trucking company, and you've got a nightclub in Branson, which is, apparently, half empty on a good night. I mean, you've got it all going on, don't you?
Clyde: You know, having this little chat with you, I'm beginning to understand why they kicked you off the force. And why you can't seem to hold on to a woman. Now I'm just guessing here, but I'm thinking no one can figure out just what the hell you're talking about.
Rafe: Oh, you didn't get my drift?
Clyde: Like I give a damn what your drift is.
Rafe: Oh, right, right. Well here's the thing. You obviously don't give a damn about anything or anyone. And that's my drift. You see? You're a lucky man. And some might say you're even a little too lucky.
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