Days of Our Lives Best Lines Thursday 10/16/14

Days of Our Lives Best Lines Thursday 10/16/14


Provided By Wanda

Eve: Well, um, she's not here. Unfortunately she stormed off and probably straight into JJ Devereaux's arms.

Marybeth: Oh. I guess she forgot then.

Eve: You know, it looks like we haven't done a very good job of keeping them apart, have we? And it seems like we've actually driven them closer.

Marybeth: Yeah, well maybe you should back off a little bit, Mrs. Larson.

Eve: What do you mean "back off?" Are you kidding me? So my daughter can get even more deeply involved with that wretched young man so she can throw her life away? Are you kidding me?

Marybeth: No, I mean, I just--

Eve: Listen, please don't abandon me now, 'cause I need you to be my eyes and my ears. Because there's no way I'm going to let that creep spawn of Jack Devereaux's get his hooks into my little girl, okay?

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