Days of Our Lives Best Lines Friday 2/28/14

Days of Our Lives Best Lines Friday 2/28/14


Provided By Wanda

Abigail: I can see the relief in your eyes. Don't worry, I'm through torturing you.

EJ: Look, Abigail, I know how difficult this must be for you.

Abigail: God, why--why do people say things like that, honestly? EJ, you can't know. You can't.

EJ: Okay. No, you're right. I can't.

Abigail: You're going your way, back to your fiancée and your kids and I'm--I'm going mine.

EJ: You're gonna be fine, Abigail.

Abigail: Yes, eventually, I will be fine. I'll...find a way to start liking myself again and I think I'll be fine. I will move on to the next thing and one thing that I know for sure, I--

EJ: Abigail.

Abigail: I will never be involved again with someone like--well, what I mean to say is--is I will never be involved again with someone that's in your situation. I just needed you to know, EJ, that I-I get it. And you don't have to worry. Like I said before, I won't be causing a scene.

EJ: I wasn't worried. I know that's not who you are.

Abigail: Unfortunately, I think that you have a better handle on that right now than I do.'s time for me to start figuring it out.

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