Days of Our Lives Best Lines Thursday 12/12/13

Days of Our Lives Best Lines Thursday 12/12/13


Provided By Wanda

Nicole: Okay. Uh, well, first, I just wanna start by saying, um, I am going to make sure I handle Eric and Kristen's story fairly, judiciously. I am not gonna do a hatchet job.

Brady: I'm not worried about it. Because if you don't like the story, I own Titan TV, I can have it killed, and I can have your ass fired. I'm kidding. Come on, Nicole. Where's your sense of humor? Come on, you're not a rookie. This is what you're good at. You've always been good at this. You know, it's, uh--it's your wheelhouse, is what it is.

Nicole: My what?

Brady: Your wheelhouse. It's a baseball term. It's where your comfort zone is. It's what you're good, you know? It's gotta be better than that stuffy rectory, right, with my equally stuffy priest brother. Well, soon-to-be ex-priest, right?

Nicole: Wow, you're really... open with your opinions today.

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