Days of Our Lives Best Lines Friday 7/13/12

Days of Our Lives Best Lines Friday 7/13/12


Provided By Mishy

Lucas: Did he con you into thinking he didn't kill Stefano?

EJ: Nobody's conning anybody, Lucas.

Lucas: He is a liar. He's a crook and he's a killer. There's no way in hell I'm gonna let him make you think otherwise

Rafe: Why is the judge taking so long to sign our warrant?

Roman: Well, could be because EJ's the mayor... or a DiMera.

EJ: Lucas, Samantha is the mother of my children. So I'm not quite clear as to how staying away from your family is feasible, given that my son Johnny and my daughter Sydney live here and I live across the hall.

Lucas: Yeah, you do. So why don't you use that door right now? Go through it.

EJ: Wow. This really is, uh, my month for empty threats. First of all, I have you. And then I have the police, and then I have all these disgruntled voters.

Lucas: Well, you deserve it. Liars and lowlifes always do.

EJ: I don't care about your warrant. The bunch of you, get out!

Rafe: Yeah, what, are you gonna call the cops?

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