Days of Our Lives Best Lines Tuesday 2/7/12

Days of Our Lives Best Lines Tuesday 2/7/12


Provided By Danielle

Carrie: I made a big mistake and I'm so sorry.

Austin: No, you didn't do that. You didn't just make a mistake, and you didn't just kiss another guy. You broke my heart.

Brady: A cliff, you know. You don't know what's going to happen. There could be a strong wind that blows you in or the ground could fall out from under your feet or--

Madison: These are romantic images to you?

Abigail: Oh, my God. Have you been drinking?

Austin: [Gasps, giggles] I have, um-- I have a very good reason.

Abigail: Which is?

Austin: To get drunk.

Sami: Well, you know what, Rafe? Now you're going to have to learn to live with guilt, just like the rest of us.

Madison: (Brady clears out Horton Square so they can ride Segways together) Yes, I do. How did you clear this place out?

Brady: I have my ways.

Madison: You certainly do.

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