Days of Our Lives Best Lines Wednesday 6/8/11

Days of Our Lives Best Lines Wednesday 6/8/11


Provided By Danielle

Nicole: (EJ threatens Nicole with not seeing the kids if she presses charges for their fight so she changes her story to Bo) Well, at least he didn't go crazy and try to set me on fire.

Bo: Hm. You deserve each other. Let the battle rage on.

Chloe: You go to hell. I'm not about to be somebody's whore.

Quinn: You'll be whatever the hell I tell you to be.

Nicole: I was this close to telling Bo about your little experiment down in the basement with Rafe.

EJ: Yeah, but you didn't actually do it, did you? All I had to do was play the Sydney card, and you folded your hand. That makes you my bitch.

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