Days of Our Lives Best Lines Thursday 5/26/11

Days of Our Lives Best Lines Thursday 5/26/11


Provided By Danielle

Dario: Well-- he's a bookie. I bet on the Cubs.

Brady: All right, that's always a bad idea.

Victor: (Daniel brings Jennifer along when Victor asks for a house call) I assume you two are an item.

Daniel: Uh, an item? N-no--nah, not really.

Victor: But you are seeing each other.

Daniel: Yeah. No, I see her. S-she's right here.

Daniel: (uncomfortable about admitting that he and Jennifer are now a couple) Um, you know, we really got to get going.

Victor: Not before I tell you that I am very pleased about this. Daniel, I think you finally got it right.

Rafe: (returning from wearing a wire to try and trap EJ into admitting that he swapped him with fake Rafe) I was gonna kill him. I was. I don't know why I'm telling you this. You heard the whole damn thing.

Sami: No, actually, I didn't get to hear all of it, because my grandma stopped by, and she had to yell at me about taking you back. I swear to God, Rafe, I am out of practice at this whole "lying and manipulating the people I love" thing.

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