Days of Our Lives Best Lines Tuesday 7/13/10

Days of Our Lives Best Lines Tuesday 7/13/10


Provided By Danielle

Sami: (To EJ after Nicole claims that she has proof of something EJ has done) Is this another one of her reindeer games?

Philip: (upset that Vivian has been harassing Melanie) I'm calling you a bodyguard.

Melanie: No bodyguards, no. No, I can just see it now. Me and Igor just chillin', everywhere I go.

Melanie: Uh, okay. All right, well... [Clears throat] I was thinking that since I have a rich husband who's family is completely loaded...

Philip: Mm-hmm.

Melanie: And I've always wanted to live in a big mansion with a pool and tennis courts.

Philip: (joking) You're such a gold digger. Look at you.

Daniel: Unfortunately, I have got to get back to the hospital.

Chloe: Mm, okay. But promise me no side trips to kill Vivian.

Daniel: You're such a spoilsport.

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