Days of Our Lives Best Lines Wednesday 4/28/10

Days of Our Lives Best Lines Wednesday 4/28/10


Provided By Danielle

Baker: That's better. Nicole DiMera... is a TV reporter? That's like Paris Hilton being a life coach.

Lexie: (EJ vows to seek revenge on his attacker) I suppose it never occurred to you not to go all Sonny Corleone on this.

Arianna: There's no way management's gonna let you interview your ex-husband.

Nicole: Are you kidding? The crime lord and the baby switcher? That's appointment viewing, gumdrop.

Nicole: And, you know, EJ just adores the shady type.

Arianna: Totally. I mean, look who he married.

Kate: (about Mia) What? She was two-timing you. She's dead to me. I already had the wake and the funeral.

Will: That's like a metaphor, right?

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