Days of Our Lives Best Lines Friday 3/5/10
Provided By Danielle
Carly: (Daniel claims Bo will do whatever it takes to make things go Carlys way) Actually, he wouldn't let me do the one thing I wanted to do.
Daniel: Yeah? What would that be?
Carly: Plead guilty.
Daniel: To what, love in the first degree?
Hope: I'm sure that he loves Carly. And I'm sure I don't want to be with someone who doesn't love me.
Justin: [Clears throat] Did you know that Bo is, um... how do I say this? A man.
Melanie: (to Bo) Philip, it's fine. It's fine! I'm fine. But I don't really think you get to question my motives when everybody knows it's not your brain that's driving you to clear Dr. Manning.
Carly: You know that thing at the deli counter-- it gives you a number so you know whose turn it is?
Justin: Yeah. Carly: I'm pretty sure there's one here in Salem labeled "take your number so you can tell off Carly."
Philip: (to Bo) Yeah. I'm just doing what I think is best for my wife. You should try it sometime.
Justin: Represent you. You don't need a defense. None of those charges are gonna make it into court.
Carly: Wow, a super-aggressive, super-confident alpha male. I've had so much luck with them.
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