Days of Our Lives Best Lines Monday 3/1/10

Days of Our Lives Best Lines Monday 3/1/10


Provided By Danielle

Maggie: (after overhearing Carly use being Melanie’s mother to try and get information from hospital staff) Playing the mother card? Rings rather hollow, don't you think?

Arianna: You know, I don't think want to hear this, but... maybe it's time to cut him some slack.

Rafe: [Chuckles] Yeah, you're right. Didn't want to hear that.

Melanie: Stop that. You're the greatest. Always coming in here to check on me. No wonder Philip’s family is crazy about you.

Daniel: It's all an act. I pay them very handsomely.

Melanie: [Laughing] Shut up.

Daniel: You know, from what I hear, you're a pretty big hit with the Kiriakis clan yourself.

Melanie: Ah. [Whispering] I pay them too.

Daniel: No wonder they're so rich.

Sami: EJ, Rafe is gonna know that I'm not grieving for Sydney anymore, and he's gonna wonder why. How am I supposed to keep that from him?

EJ: You're going to do something that you do very well. Lie.

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