Days of Our Lives Best Lines Tuesday 10/6/09

Days of Our Lives Best Lines Tuesday 10/6/09


Provided By Danielle

Kate: (upset that Philip, Daniel, and Chloe have all chosen to dine at the same restaurant) So now...can we go?

Stefano: And miss the soufflé? Where are your priorities?

Kate: (Stefano collapses after dining out with Kate) Is he gonna be all right?

Daniel: That depends on what you did to him.

Kate: Huh. Well, what are you two staring at? My husband just had a heart attack. Maybe you could offer a few words of comfort.

Maggie: Comforting words. Let's see... Kate, don't be sad. Just because Stefano didn't actually drop dead doesn't mean you didn't do a whole lot of damage.

Chloe: Yeah. I'm sure you took at least a few years off his life. Don't worry.

Sami: But I'm a mom. I should be taking care of you.

Will: We can take turns.

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