Days of Our Lives Best Lines Tuesday 7/14/09

Days of Our Lives Best Lines Tuesday 7/14/09


Provided By Danielle

Lucas: (Chloe senses that someone is hiding in the closet) Well, then, check it out. Find out what it is. See what skeleton is in his closet.

Nicole: Sami, you need to be careful.

EJ: Nicole, she doesn't need a life coach, thank you.

Sami: (arguing over Johnny) He needs his mother.

EJ: (referring to Rafe) Well, what he doesn't need is his mommy's flavor of the month!

Rafe: So uh, I'll be moving in. You okay with that?

Will: Well, like with most decisions my mom make's, do I really have a choice?

Nicole: (after being asked by EJ to leave him and Sami alone to argue over Johnny) Come on, Sydney, huh? Let's go watch some cartoons, or something more mature than this.

Nicole: (to Chloe) Jealousy is like the economy, honey. Out of our control.

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