Days of Our Lives Best Lines Tuesday 6/2/09

Days of Our Lives Best Lines Tuesday 6/2/09


Provided By Danielle

Rafe: (Rafe jokingly introduces himself as a construction worker and Sami gives him a passionate kiss) Whoa. That is quite a welcome.

Sami: [Chuckles] "Always give a construction worker a warm welcome." It's my new motto.

E.J.: You don't think that sometimes maybe it's all a bit of an act -- all this confidence, bravado? Maybe I'm just... plagued with, uh, self-doubt.

Nicole: Mm. Nope. Never considered it.

E.J.: I never understood this from the beginning. I never understood it -- why she would have this bizarre notion to go off and adopt another child.

Nicole: Well, no one ever talks about how smart Sami is.

Rafe: I got her back to sleep. She feels a little hot. She's still teething, right?

Sami: Yeah. I mean, sometimes it can just take months.

Rafe: Poor kid.

Sami: What, you don't want her to have teeth?

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