Days of Our Lives Best Lines Thursday 5/7/09
Provided By Danielle
Sami: (to herself) Oh, God. What am I wearing? This is not right. I should change. I don't have time to change. Oh, God. Stop it, Sami. This is not your first date. It's been like years, but you'll be fine.
Will: (to Mia) She doesn't cry at all. (Grace fussing) Oh, I jinxed it.
Victor: (to Stephanie after she refuses to leave so he and Philip can talk over their revenge plans privately) Have you been hitting the vodka?
Philip: Dad.
Victor: Well, she's never been this insolent to me before. I thought maybe she was a bit bombed.
Rafe: Yeah, well, it's pretty much around my old neighborhood. You probably didn't make it to the south side of town that often.
Sami: Give me a break. Are you kidding? Don't act so tough. I wasn't -- okay, you're right.
Sami: How many girls did you bring up here?
Rafe: Oh. Well, uh [Clears throat] Um...there's Sabrina and Barbara. Tonya -- she was --
Sami: Okay, I'm serious.
Rafe: Lolita, Minerva.
Sami: Cut it out.
Rafe: Cagney, lacey.
Kinsey: Oh, yeah. We had some classes together -- English and what else? Drama.
Mia: I didn't take drama at Salem West.
Kinsey: But you sure caused it.
Will: Unbelievable. You come in here, start talking about my friend like that, saying she went to rehab for drugs, but you don't even know?
Kinsey: Believe what you want, but I'm like 95% sure.
Will: You're also like 95% bitch.
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