Days of Our Lives Best Lines Thursday 3/26/09

Days of Our Lives Best Lines Thursday 3/26/09


Provided By Danielle

Mia: I mean, it wasn't -- it wasn't a plan or anything, okay? I saw your car was there, so I thought you were home. It was a mistake. I just -- I wanted to see her. And, I mean, Tony didn't say anything, did he? He would never hurt an innocent little baby, would he?

Nicole: Tony would sell his own mother if he knew it would hurt E.J.

Stefano: Antony. You are not going anywhere. Is that clear?

Tony: (to EJ) Do you get the feeling father's in a time warp? He thinks I'm still 10 years old, that he can bully me into submission.

Sami: I can't help it. I go with my feelings.

Rafe: You do.

Sami: You do, too.

Rafe: I don't, actually. Um, see, I usually incorporate this thing called logic. Yeah, I do. I don't know. Maybe it's just a guy thing.

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