Days of Our Lives Best Lines Monday 12/15/08

Days of Our Lives Best Lines Monday 12/15/08


Provided By Danielle

Sami: (Sami is restless that Rafe hasn’t returned yet) "We always get our penguin." It doesn't seem so clever now.

Hilda: You know what Agent Hernandez's personal motto is? "If you want to avoid all the tears and the kvetching, just get the little princess what she wants.”

Sami: (about Rafe) But you have known him for a long time, haven't you? So there's got to be something you could tell me.

Hilda: Hmm. [Singsong voice] Someone is curious someone is curious ha ha ha ha ha ha

Bo: (Bo has fallen from the ladder while hanging the star atop the Christmas tree) I got a knot on my head. I'm fine.

Kayla: Well, this is how this condition presents itself. A patient feels perfectly fine when, in fact, they have a severe case of Christmas-itis stupid-itis.

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