Days of Our Lives Best Lines Thursday 10/16/08

Days of Our Lives Best Lines Thursday 10/16/08


Provided By Danielle

Lucas: (Sami tries to convince Lucas that they can convince EJ that this is Lucas’ baby) You did try to seduce me, and I did resist.

Sami: Well, that's not the point, is it?

Nicole: (EJ arrives to pick up Nicole for their first date but invites her to move in when she gets evicted) Okay. What about our date?

E.J.: Sorry. Rain check?

Nicole: Yeah, I guess we'll have our date after we move in together.

Marlena: "Hot off the presses." What does that mean?

John: (wanting to please Marlena by stepping away from the DiMera empire) Well, I'll just get to the point. I'm getting my act together, and I'm taking it on the road.

Stefano: (overjoyed by the news that EJ and Nicole are going to have a baby) What difference does it make if it's a boy or girl? That doesn't make any difference as long as it's a DiMera. There's never too many of them.

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