Days of Our Lives Best Lines Tuesday 9/9/08

Days of Our Lives Best Lines Tuesday 9/9/08


Provided By Danielle

Kayla: [Laughs] Tell me you are not feeding that baby pound cake.

Steve: No. Come on, I wouldn't do that. I had to eat enough for both of us, though. He sure was interested. He watched me scarf down every bite.

Kayla: Oh, great. Oh, great. So, I'm gonna have a chubby baby and a chubby husband.

Steve: (Hope brings Steve the information from a background check he requested on Trent and they are later joined by Bo) Thanks, both of you.

Bo: I haven't done anything yet.

Hope: Yeah, don't thank him. He didn't do anything.

Lucas: (Chloe is upset that Allie doesn’t care for her) Trust me. After a little time, you guys will get familiar with each other.

Chloe: Familiarity breeds contempt.

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