Days of Our Lives Best Lines Wednesday 5/21/08

Days of Our Lives Best Lines Wednesday 5/21/08


Provided By Danielle

Lucas: (An officer escorts Lucas to the DiMera mansion) This is it -- my new prison. (Officer) 'Prison'? This place is amazing. It's like a five-star hotel. Consider yourself lucky. It could be a lot worse.

Lucas: Yeah. If these walls could talk.

Sami: (Lucas walks in on Sami and EJ making love) Lucas!

Lucas: I'm home. (Storms off)

Bo: (Hope turns in her paperwork on the Vitale case) Ye-- it's perfect.

Hope: Of course it is, because I did it.

Anna: (Anna admires Tony’s surprise engagement ring) I've never seen anything so beautiful in my life.

Tony: I have. I'm looking at her.

Kate: (witnessed Tony’s proposal to Anna) What the hell was that?

Roman: I'm not sure, but I think it was something very wonderful and very romantic.

Kate: [ Laughs ] Really? Do you really think that?

Roman: I give them six months. Three if Anna tries to cook.

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