Days of Our Lives Best Lines Tuesday 4/8/08

Days of Our Lives Best Lines Tuesday 4/8/08


Provided By Danielle

Ava: Right. Then how come I'm not better?

Ava’s therapist: Healing is a process.

Ava: Okay, Dr. Phil.

Nurse: (Kayla tries to convince a nurse that she’s well enough to be released so she can get out and search for Steve) You want to argue, save it for Dr. Ellman. I have my orders, and you're not getting out of here. And don't even think about trying to sign yourself out. Sometimes it can take days to get the paperwork in order. Those forms have a nasty way of getting lost.

Stephanie: I like her. She kind of reminds me of you.

Roman: (Kayla lets Roman think he’s convinced her to stay in the hospital) All right. Well, something tells me Bo is not gonna be this easy.

Roman: (Bo is threatening to leave the hospital against medical advice) I will put you in custody if I have to.

Bo: Under what charges?

Roman: Reckless stupidity.

Roman: (about Kayla) She's being a doctor first, a patient second.

Lexie: I need to get her to reverse that.

Roman: Well, good luck with that.

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