Days of Our Lives Best Lines Tuesday 1/24/06

Days of Our Lives Best Lines Tuesday 1/24/06

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Provided By Danielle

Sami: Or maybe you did find out. How do we know you didn't find out that Carrie was the C.E.O.? And you decided not to tell Austin because you knew he wouldn't go through with the takeover. You wanted Austin for yourself, and you saw this as an opportunity to drive a wedge between him and Carrie forever. Nicole: What? You're crazy. That sounds like something you would do.

Austin: (Sami and Nicole are arguing and blaming each other) Okay, shut up. Please. Thank you. Ugh.

Sami: Oh, you don't even know what you're talking about. Nicole: Oh, really? Sami: (Nicole has recently gone from blonde to a darker shade) Yes, what, were you busy coloring your hair instead of doing --

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