Days of Our Lives Best Lines Tuesday 1/10/06
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Carrie: I can't believe that you're still single. I mean, you're a catch, Austin. What were those women in New York thinking?
Alex: [ Exhales sharply but still comatose ] Lois: What's wrong, Alex? Can you hear me? Oh, we can't have that. If you wake up, you'll tell everyone I'm trying to kill Marlena. No, no, no, no, no. That will never do.
Bo: (They decide to take Zach off life support so they can donate his organs) Hey, tiny man. It's been our -- it's been our privilege to, uh, to have been your parents. And we're very, very, very proud that we could share your life with you. We're gonna miss you. We're gonna miss you. I love you, tiny man. I'll always love you.Back to The TV MegaSite's Days of
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