Days of Our Lives Best Lines Monday 2/14/05
By Danielle
Eugenia: (to Kate) Sami is finally going down.
Eugenia: (as she watches Lucas find Sami in bed with Brandon) I'm no psychic,
but I'm predicting major, major fireworks any minute now. Kate: Followed by no
one getting married in the morning. Ha ha ha ha.
Lucas: (upon finding Brandon and Sami naked in bed together) Then why, Sami? Why
are you naked right now? Huh? What, did you decide to take a drive, and, what,
did the cigarette lighter fall out of the dash and burn the clothes off you
Sami: No! Lucas: And then you showed up at this hotel, only no vacancies, but
luckily, your ex-husband was here. Oh, that's great. But, oh, that pesky lighter
showed up and burned his clothes off, too.
Brandon: (to Lucas and Sami) I just think you need a little time to talk here.
Lucas: Well, where'd you learn that, social worker school?
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