Days of Our Lives Best Lines Thursday 2/10/05
By Danielle
John: (after dreaming of seeing Marlena in the room with him)
Doc? Doc, where are you? I can't make it without you anymore, baby.
Lucas: (to Kate) You should really see a shrink about that little problem you
have -- the one where you don't want me to be happy with anybody but you.
Kate: It's always been my dream for you that you would marry a woman that you
could love and you could trust because marriage is based on mutual trust and
honesty. Lucas: And that's why your marriages have all worked out, right, mom?
Kate: If Sami can make you happy, Lucas, I'll gladly dance at your wedding.
Lucas: Oh, well then, get ready to boogie down 'cause we're getting married in a
few hours.
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