Days of Our Lives Best Lines Friday 11/12/04
By Danielle
Sami: I'm marrying the man of my dreams. I am gonna become Mrs. Brandon
Maggie: Well, I hate to ruin your wedding day, Bonnie. But you truly can only
come back from the dead once, and I have been planning this day for over a year.
Maggie: I'm surprised I don't see a stuffed buffalo head over the mantle.
Bonnie: Now you've ruined Mickey's wedding present.
Maggie: (after hearing how Bonnie has been cooking Mickey fattening foods) Okay,
are you trying to kill him? Julie: Well, not till after the wedding.
Bonnie: He's my little battery bunny. He stays up all night long to keep his
woman satisfied.
Maggie: And I gave you the benefit of the doubt -- even though you failed the
white glove test, even though you were such a busybody. Bonnie: All right, I'll
give you that one. Mickey's been keeping my body real busy lately.
Bonnie: (holding up her skimpy underwear) Mickey's gonna need an extra dose of
his heart medicine when he sees me in this. Julie: You're gonna need an extra
dose of reality, sister.
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