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from Dr. Marlena!
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Need advice? Help with your love life? Ask Dr. Marlena!
She has seen it all and will help you!
Read here every week for an answer to your
Question from Michelle:
I have a best friend who is married.
I've fallen in love, and I don't want his wife to find out
about us. Should I see him again? What should I do?
Michelle, I have three things I want
you to think about. #1 You should ask yourself, if he's
going to cheat on his wife with me, how can I expect him to
be faithful to me? Because cheaters always cheat. That's the
way they work.
#2 Put yourself in the wife's shoes.
How would you feel if he was your husband and cheating on
you? Pretty bad, I'm sure.
#3 Oftentimes we sabotage
our own (romantic) interests by choosing the person who's
not really available. Maybe they seem more attractive
because someone else has them, or maybe we don't have to
commit fully to them ourselves that way. If the relationship
doesn't work out, we think we can just blame it on the other
person. Find yourself a single, healthy person who's not
already taken. You will feel better about yourself and about
having an honest relationship.
Avoid this guy, friend
or not. At least, don't date him or anything. Find someone
who's available. Otherwise, you're headed for heartache!
Please note: this
is an opinion column. Our Dr. Marlena is not a real doctor, so she does not
know medicine, law, etc.
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Page proofread by Laura 7/7/09
Page updated 9/6/18
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