B&B Best Lines Wednesday 10/3/18

The Bold and The Beautiful Best Lines Wednesday 10/3/18


Provided By Wanda

Liam: Hey. Hey, Kelly. Uh, guess who's here? This is... hmmm. This is your grandfather.

Well, do you want to hold her?

Bill: You have no idea. Wow. Wow. I can't tell you how much it means to me to be holding my beautiful little granddaughter in my arms. I look at that angelic face... and I see the future. The future of this family. The Spencer family. I see in your eyes you already have both your parents' qualities. Hmm? Right? Your mom's strength and independence, and your -- Oh. Huh? ...And your dad's -- come here. It's okay. ...And your dad's kindness and compassion. Before you know it, you know what's gonna happen? You're gonna be a true combination of both of them. But you'll still be your own person. Just like your dad. As far as being a father is concerned, well... he's got me beat, hands down. Even with all my failings... It doesn't mean that I don't love my son. I do. I love all my sons. It kills me, Liam. It kills me that I lost custody of Will. So, uh... look, this is important, all right? You are a lucky young lady. Yes, you are. Because you have a dad who is committed to giving you a happy, secure, meaningful and purposeful life. He is, uh -- he's a good man. He is as good a father and a man... as anybody I have ever met. That's who your dad is. And your granddad, well, he can put a price on just about anything, right? But you can't put a price on having a little girl that can look up to you... with respect and admiration, Liam. Because that's how I look at you, son. That's how I look at you. Yeah.

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