B&B Best Lines Wednesday 9/20/17

The Bold and The Beautiful Best Lines Wednesday 9/20/17


Provided By Wanda

Sally: Wait, was that for real?

Liam: You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that.

Sally: You are incredible.

Liam: Yeah, well, my dad sets the bar pretty low for incredible.

Sally: Here. It's a gift for you, the man who makes everyone's dreams come


Liam: What?

Sally: Yes. It's my first sketch since the fire. You have breathed new life into Spectra, into me, and I -- I really don't know how to thank you.

Sally: Wait, was that for real?

Liam: [ Chuckles ] You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that.

Sally: You are incredible.

Liam: Yeah, well, my dad sets the bar pretty low for incredible.

Sally: Here. It's a gift for you, the man who makes everyone's dreams come


Liam: What?

Sally: Yes. It's my first sketch since the fire. You have breathed new life into spectra, into me, and I -- I really don't know how to thank you.

Sally: Wait, was that for real?

Liam: [ Chuckles ] You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that.

Sally: You are incredible.

Liam: Yeah, well, my dad sets the bar pretty low for incredible.

Sally: Here. It's a gift for you, the man who makes everyone's dreams come


Liam: What?

Sally: Yes. It's my first sketch since the fire. You have breathed new life into spectra, into me, and I -- I really don't know how to thank you.

Liam: Well, it seems you're recovering, like I knew you would.

Sally: You and just about nobody else.

Liam: Not true. Jarrett thought the designs you lost in the fire were fantastic. And so is this. And so is everything else you come up with, I'm sure.

Sally: Well, it helps to have a silent partner who believes.

Liam: "Silent" being the operative word there.

Sally: It's our secret. But I really do appreciate what you've done. You saved me. For no good reason except for the fact that you're a good man. Which I saw again today with your employees. I've never met anyone like you.

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