B&B Best Lines Friday 2/17/17

The Bold and The Beautiful Best Lines Friday 2/17/17


Provided By Wanda

Ridge: I see you didn't waste any time getting your portrait back up there.

Quinn: I didn't mind sharing it with Nicole on her special day. It was important to Zende, and now that they're married... why am I even explaining all of this to you?

Ridge: I don't know, maybe because I can under your skin more than anybody else.

Quinn: Don't flatter yourself. And you still haven't answered my question.

Ridge: What question?

Quinn: Why are you still here? I could have paid the caterers, made sure everybody cleaned up...

Ridge: You got dad to take care of.

Quinn: And you have a sick fiancée to take care of. So...

Ridge: I don't know, I thought I was helping.

Quinn: Helping. Yeah, I'll tell you how you can help. At the wedding, the reception afterwards -- the way you were looking at me? Don't look at me like that again.

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