B&B Best Lines Thursday 10/20/16

The Bold and The Beautiful Best Lines Thursday 10/20/16


Provided By Wanda

Ridge: I need to stop Quinn. But yes, I have feelings for you. I don't -- I don't want to lose you.

Brooke: You can't lose me, Ridge, because you don't have me. I'm marrying Bill.

Ridge: I know. But you can't stay with that clown, so you're gonna divorce him.

Brooke: Divorce him?

Ridge: Yeah, he's gonna say something stupid or do something stupid, and then you'll leave.

Brooke: I-I'm marrying Bill because I love him, because I'm committed to him, not because you need the shares for some takeover that may not even happen. Besides, it might still work out.

Ridge: How?

Brooke: Eric's anger will pass, and he'll realize what he's doing. It's -- it's ridiculous. And he'll kick Quinn to the curb.

Ridge: Quinn is a problem now. We got to get these shares, take over the company, and... and then we'll get on with our lives. But we need to deal with Quinn first.

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