B&B Best Lines Thursday 6/11/15

The Bold and The Beautiful Best Lines Thursday 6/11/15


Provided By Wanda

Wyatt: Sorry. Son number one's out to lunch or wherever.

Bill: Oh, ease up, Wyatt.

Wyatt: Oh, I'm at ease. I'm totally at ease. I mean, poor Liam's got all the pressure. He's president at Spencer, V.P. At Forrester, and I'm just -- I'm so glad to be a working grunt.

Bill: Oh, I had no idea I was walking in on a little pity party. Hey. It was Liam's idea to take over Forrester. I told you. If it had been your idea, I would have given you control of the stock.

Wyatt: I could have been consulted.

Bill: You don't have a Steffy. And we needed her shares to complete this transaction.

Wyatt: Right, but Liam doesn't exactly have a Steffy either.

Bill: Well, maybe he's going to.

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